..and I guess I have regrets
Its a strange feeling..being somewhere you have lived for five years and realizing you’re not home anymore..this is not my beautiful home..this is not my beautiful wife
You only come here to visit the cat and each time you remove a memory socks and shot glasses…and the doctors prescribe anti depressants because things like death, moving and divorce are all four letter words..
here we go life is waiting to begin
watching a life you hated burn to the ground is a lot harder than one would think it was..you go from sofas to new shiny apartments..to a BRAND NEW CAR…because everything was in his name and you don’t want to have anything to do with that name..or that boy
no more climbing the steps to this place the click clack of your heels smacking the floor..no more cramped spaces..no more “us”..just no more…and he says your mother dying changed you in all the wrong ways..but you think–scratch that–KNOW–that life is sosososo short..too short to be this unhappy..
Maybe things will be different..
there is no time to feel bad about the changes that have already happened..so you pack and pack……
and pack and hope for the happy pills to take the sting off..
what ever will be..will be..
There’s a light on..but there is nobody is waiting for me..