~1st entry’s Explanation -7

Remote Control Cars; -Nathan loved Remote Control cars but these things are made Cheap! Cause they just didn’t seem to last more than a few weeks, maybe a month. I was constantly taking these things back for a replacement! One of the times he had a Remote Control Car was when he was in the 5th Grade. He had two of them, and he and I would take these things on the walk to school. We’d race them, and crash them into each other and laugh like crazy! (actually I heard from another Mom later who walked her kids to school, that one time her kids said to her, “”It looks like that Mom is having fun with her son”” (Oh I was!!!) Then when we got to the school I would put them in a Bag and carry them back home. For Nathan’s 12th Birthday, he took all his birthday money and bought an $80.00 Remote Control from Radio Shack. We were hoping this one might last longer. Every day he was out playing with this thing. Then when School started on the 19th of August he’d be playing with it before the Bus Came, then I’d Charge the Batteries all day and he’d get home and play with it some more. (This was the last thing he was doing before he got -The Headache…….)

Mowing the Lawn; -Nathan’s Dad taught him how to Mow the Lawn. And he had a Job mowing the neighbor’s Lawn that Summer of 1996.

Favorite Color-Black; He loved everything Black…

“Pass the Chicken!”; -One time we had some family having dinner with us and just after we prayed, I mean the second after Nathan said, “Pass the Chicken” (we were having Pork Chops) Age-5

Your last Movie-Toy Story; -We went to the Dollar Theater and saw Toy Story the Summer of 1996. That was his last movie he saw at the Theaters.

The Zoo; -The trips we did to the Zoo.

Rocks; -Nathan like to collect Rocks.. Had a Book on Rocks.

Frontier Elementary; -Nathan attended this School from K-5th Grade. It was a very good school. They had excellent teachers.

Challenger Middle School; -Nathan attended this School for 6th Grade and the first 9 days of 7th grade. This was a good School too.

Monopoly & Life; -Nathan’s favorite game was *Life* He also like Monopoly too. Whenever he would ask me if I wanted to play them I always said “Yes” Nathan loved all board games. So did I. We were the only two in the family who really enjoyed playing all these games.

Your 1st Dog, Kiki; -We got a Shiz-zuh from Grandparents in California. She was quite the naughty Dog! And we eventually gave her away. As fed up as we were about her, Nathan had grown really more attached to her than I had realized.

Being SO Funny!; -Nathan was always making us Laugh. Especially his sister, Sarah. He was so Silly!

Your Car Cards; -Nathan had this set of Car Cards, also Airplane Cards too. He spent hours looking at them.

Alicia (the Girl you Liked); -She lived 3 houses down from us. She was in Nathan’s Grade till her Mom held her back. They even played Doctor together in Kindergarten. But after being caught the third time, her mom and myself took measures that it would never happen again! When they were in the 6th Grade and even into the Summer they wrote Love letters to each other. Alicia brought 2 of the Love letters over and shared them with us the day of the Funeral. We made Copies of them, their Precious. The Following is part of one, spelling errors and all.

(((Dear Alicia, From now on I will make the first move It’s just that I am alittle Shy because I have only ben out with five people in my intire life but you have to make a few moves yourself. Do you think our relationship is working out? yes or No How much longer do you think you will go out with me for? Days, Weeks, Months, Years? (Circle one) I don’t like any body else but you and I won’t intel we break up. Love Nathan,
Ps. Please write back.)))

“Where does God get His Power…His Ring?”; -Nathan was about 5 when he asked me this question and many others? (he saw too much He-man) All these questions really made my brain think Hard!

Shoveling Snow; -Nathan always helped me Shovel the Snow. He was my little Helper.

Game Boy; -Nathan had a Game Boy. (After he was gone Sarah and I would go in his room an sit in his Bean Chair and play his Game Boy).

Rubber Band Gun; -Nathan had this Cool Rubber Band Gun.

Learning Homework From Dad; -My husband wanted me to add this but, really Homework with Dad was not quite a positive memorable thing. Nathan had a hard time grasping and his Dad was a bit impatient in waiting for Nathan to Grasp something so easy. I’m sure though one day they both would of laughed about Nathan teaching his Dad Patience. Age 11

Leggo’s; -These were my brother’s when he was a kid. He always had towns build in his room. My brother will probably never be having kids so I got the Leggos for my Son to play with.

Your Hugs; -I Miss them. At age 12 he still Hugged me, give me a Kisses and said he Loved me.

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I’ve read about half the entries in your OD diary and haven’t been able to get back in to read the rest. Didn’t want you to think I forgot about you.

February 13, 2002

RYN – You are right. of course about creating memories. It’s odd though, you never can tell what they’ll remember. My daughter told me that I allegedly told her off once for killing a flower she’s picked for me. She put it in water and it submerged. She’s felt guilty ever since. I’m sure she dreamt it – it’s false memory syndrome!

February 13, 2002

R the other part of Y N Thanks for sharing that – sometimes actions spell out more compassion and sympathy than any words can.

missing his hugs gave me tears i try to hug my kids as much as i can even though they are older i love it when out of the blue they stop and take the time to hug me just because….

ryn we have read together but for some reason i have difficulty with my comprehension when reading or read to out loud. so i have to read it to myself she does love when i read to her in fact i read 2 chapters to her last night before bed :0)

awww….the love letter is sweet. I read these and see my children doing quite a few of the same, r/c vehicles, lego’s rocks and feel the need to hug them a little tighter after I pick them up from school.

oh that last one gave me a heart squeeze. sending you a big, warm *HUG* with my prayers for you, nathan and your family. please know that i’m here for you.

I love your diary and so look forward to getting to know you, thank you for the notes, today is the first time I’ve come over to + since x-mas… sigh, looks like the squeeze just got tighter over in – … happy valentines day to you and yours, I refuse to let this day be spoiled lol :o) huggles x0x (o:

February 23, 2002

Do you realize what a gift you are giving us that have not gone through the terrible loss that you have? We should cherish all and every moment w/our kids. Your memories of Nat have given me cause to remember memories of my own. God Bless

February 23, 2002

What a wonderful entry. Thank you for sharing.