My Busy Day

After I wrote that entry last night, I quickly hustled to bed because I was going to wake up at 2 a.m. to get ready to head on to North Carolina. Saturday, my sister came up with a great idea: we leave very early in the morning, get there by noon, leave around one, and get back around six. So, I set my alarm to 2 a.m.

I formulated something in my head while I was sleeping that consumed most of my thoughts. For the most part, I tried not to look at the clock to see what time it was. However, I couldn’t resist and I took a look. The clock read 12:38. I went back to sleep and the alarm woke me up. According to my mom, my dad had stayed up all night watching tv. He’s also taking diet pills and I heard they make you sleepy but you can’t actually go to sleep.

Anyway, I took my shower, got dressed and made up my bed. I made my way to the living room and ate some Golden Grahams. In the meantime, my sister and brother-in-law were still in bed. The time was around 2:30. After everyone was ready, we gathered our things and headed on out to North Carolina.

Our first stop was at Kroger’s to buy some oil and bottled water with ice. While we were sitting in the parking lot, a white car parked up beside us. Out emerged four young women–the time was 4:30ish–and it looked like they had came from a late party/date/outing/whatever. The first girl didn’t have a bra (my sister made that observation), and she had ‘bootylicious’ on the front. Another girl had one a white uhh I don’t know the terminology but her back was bare, and she had on black pants. Then, a young african-american female emerged with her arms folded and looked slightly younger than the rest. Last, this other black girl (or woman) emerged and my mom made an observation that it looked like her butt hurt. hmm…

I slept for about 40 minutes when we stopped at a race trac in South Carolina. After that, we made a stop at a rest stop, ate at shoney’s, got gas, and headed on to Fayetteville, NC to pick up my niece. Patrice is my brother-in-law’s child from a previous marriage so she’s not blood related. Her brother, Shaunmichaels–“Pooh Bear”–is my nephew. Hehe he was excited to hear that I was over and couldn’t wait to see me. Today was the first time I had been in that part of NC. Usually, we would always go to Charlotte because we have family there. (And boy, that side of the family love to eat). It was interesting to see their house. Their house was kinda small, the driveway could only fit one car, but the house looked surprisingly big in the inside. About 30 or so minutes after we got there, Pooh Bear rode up with his aunt and graced us with his appearance.

I have their pictures in my wallet so I’ll be sure to scan their pics. Anywho, you could tell he was working out because he kinda stuck his chest out. His hair was in braids and he had a couple of necklaces around his neck. By this time, it wasn’t noon yet. After loading up the Suburban, we headed out.

The trip is broken down like this:

it takes approximately 1:30 from here to Augusta, 3 hours from South Carolina coast to NC coast, and then about 40 minutes to Fayetteville. Not too bad of a ride if you ask me. We got back around 5:30. ‘Trice is going to stay here until like next weekend. Then, we’ll repeat the same process over except I believe we’ll take a detour to Myrtle Beach and get a hotel. Anywho, my day was fun and I slept a total of nearly 2 hours out of the whole trip. I was fighting to stay awake the last leg of the trip. So I’m off to get me some good night’s sleep. Hmmm…waking up at 11 sounds nice…

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i am so jealous of you. you get to live in Ga and go to North Carolina

July 7, 2002

RYN: My local newspaper.

See you when I get back off holiday buddy 🙂

Totally ya had fun..if ya do stop at myrtle beach…you have lots of fun. I should know..i’ve been there. 🙂 Tell ur parents i said to ya soon…love ya, Lizzie

July 8, 2002

sounds like not to bad of a ride. *smiles*