The Aethiest Bible
At school today the economic classes had their annual business thing, where they create products and sell them during lunch. Someone was selling Aethiest Bibles :P. I was trying to find Daniel to tell him. He woulda been just as shocked as he was when I told him Kevin told me that Matthew spends his nights having phone sex with his imaginary girlfriend. Only that is just disgusting..and the whole bible thing is funny 😀
Also, today at school, I actually became embarresed. For the first time in…what? 5,6 years?
I was leaving the art room and had my portfolio with me, and didnt realize I was holding it upside down. ALL the papers went out and flew everywhere. I absolutely hate showing people unfished drawings and stuff, because theyre always ugly when theyre half done, and here I was, in the middle of the lawn, with hundreds of people surrounding me, standing in all the art work. It was…embarresing. But this guy I didnt know came and helped me pick them up 🙂 I see him around school sometimes, because I always notice his hair, because it rules 🙂
I actually didn’t even realize I had become embarresed until I made it until my next class, partly because as soon as I set off I bumped into Kirsten and we started laughing about Jesse being hit on by his language teacher. It really was a horrible feeling, being embarresed. I honestly thought I was invincible to being embarresed. But I guess not, I guess no one is.
Anyway, I asked around to see if anyone knew my future neigbhor. His name is Joe or something. Some girl at lunch was listening to my conversation, and told me she knew him real well, and then told me about him. Apparently all he does is spend his life on the computer, playing video games. She says he’s also really annoying and talks too much.
It sounds like we’ll get along just fine
And he has a GIANT pool. So if I play my cards right…. Fun, fun.
And In other news….I have issues.
I realized the other day, how much I dont pay attention in school. So, today, I was FORCING myself to pay attention. Because I dont understand anything thats going on in any of my classes, especially chemistry, and we have a test next week. I figured that was the problem. My very short attention span. The thing is, I didnt realize how bad Ive got it until today in chemistry.
The teacher was talking about naming acids. I was trying to so hard to stay in tune and listen to her. She was talking about acids, acids, acids, hydro carbon acid, Sulfiric acid, Silver Acid, Citric Acid..Citric…Citric reminds me of fruits, and oranges. I like oranges. I think we should plant an orange tree in our yard. I wonder how big our new yard is going to be. Does the neighbor have a big yard? They have to have a big yard to fit a pool — MY GOD, PAY ATTENTION WOMAN!
See . Thats what happens. And thats why Aaron always gives me "The Eyebrow". Today at lunch I asked him how come every time I talk to him, he just stares at me, and gives me, not "the look", but, "The Eyebrow". He looks at me like Im psycho and one of his eyebrows go WAAAAY up, in a way that says "My god your stupid and you seriously need help."
He told me he does that because every time I talk to him, I change the subject like every 2 seconds. And even though people tell me Im one of the most random people theyve ever met, I dont realize it.
At least I "make things interesting" and, "can make a toothpick seem fun", or so Pat says.
I have A.D.D. so I know how bad the attention span thing can get. I’m sorry to tell you, but I don’t think anyone will ever be immune to being embarassed. We all have one weakness which embarasses us.
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