gas station bathroom
Strawberry + grape + glow-in-the-dark+extra large = muy divertido conversacion en el almuerzo.
hehe, espanol es muy divertido! kirsten y yo teneiamos un conversacion en espanol. Era muy malo conversacion porque no hablamos bueno espanol.
anyway…im drinking some coke right now. pepsi one to be exact. i think its pretty stupid, making a coke with 1 calorie. they couldve made it with 0 calories, but noooo they decided to put 1. pepsi is gross anyways. the only reason im drinking it is because the only other thing there is to drink is water. i love normal coke so much better. my all-time favorite coke is diet dr.pepper though. or root beer..hmm, i wonder why its called root beer.
im borowing one of suzanne’s mangas, i forgot what its called. but itd about a girl who really wanted to meet this guy, but he went to an all-boys school, so she cut her hair and pretended to be a guy so she can go to the school and meet him. anna and suzanne say its really funny. and lee let me borrow a crap load of her cd’s. lee rules
im gonna burn em. she gave me alot of cds with random songs, and one cd is killswitch engage, and another one is my chemical romance. and i cant remember what the rest of them are.
Raven was flirting with me today. ewww. even though i think he’s really sweet, its disturbing.
and pat, daniel, and scott are so awesome =D
so is my print im doing in art. the faerie i made. its so pretty ^.^. a whole bunch of people accidently cut themselves with the carver knife thing. it was funny. rachel stabbed herself 4 times with it, and trust me, when you stab yourself with one of those, it hurts like HELL. i know. because in 6th grade when i was doing printmaking, i was carving my thing really hard because i was mad at it and the knife slipped and went straight through my finger. well…it went to the bone. i was too much of a weakling to be carving so hard it would go through the bone.
what else…oh yes, they really might make us wear uniforms next year. and if they do i will REFUSE to wear them! Even if i have to — *shudders* — go to kingwood highschool, i will, just so i dont have to wear a freaken uniform. or i can go to quest…eric will be there, and so will alot of other people i know/dont like/ dont care about. my moms going to go to that orientation thing next monday, so they shoulda say wether or not we have to wear uniforms. i might go, just so i can miss swim practice. daniel says his mom is going too, so maybe ill force him to go so i can have someone to keep me company. im gonna see if i can go over to his house tomorrow so him and scott can show me that game theyve been talking about forever.
im really really worried about johnny, travis and trey . its scary…thinking they could be dead. just think, if johnny had succeeded…no more johnny. no more talking to him. no more laughing with him. no more anything. and its REALLY scary thinking about trey. god id fucken miss him so much if he had suceeded. id miss johnny too of course, but trey…i really love him, and i would feel horrible and empty for the rest of my life if anything happened to him. god…all this stress is really starting to take its toll on me. not just all these problems with my friends, but all my own problems and issues.
im liking this killswitch engage cd.
omg,when you put ur finger under water after one of those cuts…… hurts like hell!!!!im afraid to wash my hands now lol*.and my art teacher told me that with those knives, they use them to cut people open for suergery and stuff…i was like omg when i heard that,ouch!!!!it can actually slice ur hand off if ur not careful enough.ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.well ttyl 4 now-luv sis
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i really like your diary. mines pretty dull
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thanks for your note. i never really meant that i was fat, but i need to lose weight. i want to be happy with the way i look, which is at least 10lbs less. x0*
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