Sleeping! But Not Tonight

I finally saw a psychiatrist for the first time in my life. She prescribed Trazodone to help me sleep (which my family who is familiar with rehab and psych clinics erupted into laughter over). But it’s been working! I’ve been sleeping and not drinking. It’s awesome.

But tonight is the election which I’ve decided is my pass. I’m up and drinking and working like the old me. I was really really hoping for a Biden blow out. But my fellow humans have disappointed me once again. Apparently caring for others and treating them with decency and care was not on the ballot for them.

One of my very good friends is in the hospital getting induced tonight/this morning. So I’m going to focus on her, and her baby girl, and how I can help them.

If Trump steals the election again I’ll be cutting myself off from news and social media. I’m not strong enough to handle that. If there’s protests I’ll try to attend. I’ll try to do what I can. But mostly I’m feeling hopeless right now.
Changed my profile pic to Gaga and Biden. Please please please let decency win for once.

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