The heat and a month and a day…

So, once more we are in the big leagues when it comes to hot weather, y’all in the south and environs where it is hot all the time are probably smirking and going “Just you wait Sammy, just you wait!” And tbh, I can agree with this statement. Usually it gets beastly hot from late May until mid September. And it usually peaks in July and August.
Speaking of July, my milestone birthday (the big 5-0 along with Cathi @darkmadonna) is a month tomorrow… and I *still* have no plans for it. I might ask my worker if I can get an Android tablet for my bday but I’m not holding my breath. I have enough tech. Don’t need to feed into my hoarder’s mindset. Eh… we shall see!
Ever see Dream A Little Dream? It’s hilarious, and it stars Corey Haim, which besides Michael J. Fox, is my fave Canadian actor. I’ve been a fan of his since the mid 80’s… around the same time I got into the New Kids (’86) He died young and needlessly too. He could have come back to Ontario (he came from Toronto like myself) and got his pneumonia looked afterr by OHIP. But I reckon he wanted to stay in LA for some reason. FYI he is buried in Maple, which is 25 min by GOtrain. It’s also south of us here in Newmarket, more nearer to Toronto? Near Aurora if that helps?
Well, I’m going to shut down for the night.
Dream a little dream was great but not as good as the movie that picture is from! It was a sad day when he died. He had been through so much.
@ostara Ikr?? RIP.
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