Stupid bronchitis! GTFO.

I swear, bronchitis is the worst lung disease ever. I have had the bloody thing for two straight fucking weeks. I have had antibiotics, I have had bedrest, and on the flipside, more fresh air than you can shake a stick at. Fuck it. I am going to New D whether I have it or not. Two weeks is enough. Enough I say!!

I drank so much tea these past few weeks in hopes that it would screw off.

I might go for a walk after supper. We are having spaghetti Bolognese for our evening meal. We had these dodgy pizza flavored chicken nuggets with mac n cheese for lunch.

Well.. g2g. Dinner will be served soon.


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May 28, 2024

I’m so sorry you are still feeling puny. Bronchitis can be serious! I’m glad you’re taking good care of yourself.

May 29, 2024

@darkmadonna Yes. It’s an uphill battle but I’m winning that game!

May 29, 2024

When I was 17, I had bronchitis, tonsillitis and strep throat all at the same time. That was one hell of a party! I know this pain, the cough lasts. I do hope you feel better soon!

May 29, 2024

@ostara thanks ❤️❤️❤️ it does suck.