Josh Groban – Don’t Give Up

I love this song. Josh is a grand singer. This is probably one of my theme songs to my life. (The other is Tubthumping by Chumbawumba heh) 

It is the end of another great weekend… I have to go to Dr. Bridge’s bc one of my beloved cats eyes glasses are broken, there is something wrong with the arms. Probably do that tomorrow with Bees. They just busted today! Luckily I still have my Buddy Holly glasses. But they give me headaches so I will get the other pair repaired as it’s under warranty.

I might have to wait til after Bees gets her bath.

I think I will play some more Pokémon Platinum.


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June 9, 2024

Oh my!  I love the Josh Groban song!  I’m sorry your favorite glasses broke.  Soon they will be fixed.  I’m glad they are still under warranty.  Happy Sunday Sammy!

June 10, 2024

@wildrose_2 I got them fixed today 😊😊😊 and ikr? Josh is the best!!!

June 10, 2024

@bespectacledredhead Yay for fixed glasses!

June 10, 2024

@wildrose_2 😁😁🤗🤗