The point

It’s nice to be able to get things off your chest.

Especially when you live in a world where men are applauded for owning and exploring their sexual identities, and women are condemned for it.

If I were to tell my friends any of the stories that I’ll spill on here, they would be shocked and affronted and would most definitely disapprove.

What I do, sexually, is something that I’d like to be able to make sense of and sort out for myself. I’d like to be able to openly express exactly what I do and how it makes me feel so that I can come to some sort of conclusion about the sort of person I am, why I do what I do, and whether it’s a good or a bad thing.

I’m going to spend some time recounting stories – not necessarily in chronological order – and talking about what they meant to me at the time and what they mean to me now.

This is my sexual self liberated.

Lets get started.

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Welcome to Open Diary. Hope you find it a good place to be.

February 5, 2007

Yeah welcome, and the OD community is generally very understanding about other people’s needs and motivations. Please drop around again soon! I’ve added you to my favs.

February 6, 2007

RYN: i don’t recall who said that quote, but i like it! thanks for stopping by. i like your diary so far by the way. =)

February 7, 2007

RYN: If I hadn’t been passing this same thing back and forth with my best friend for the past four months I’d feel the same way, but I’m sick of being sick. Welcome to OD!