My Saturday night

It has to be said that the most fun nights out on the town are the ones you don’t plan. Whenever I go out with the intention of having one or two drinks and a chat with my friends, somehow the night gets turned into a late night adventure filled with booze and boys.

Saturday night was no exception.

I was meeting a friend at a local establishment (renowned for being boisterous and wild) for what we planned to be a few drinks and a lot of catching up. I hadn’t seen this particular friend in over six months, so I was looking forward to hearing all her stories and sharing some of mine.

We invested in a jug of beer, found ourselves a free table, and sat down to begin our conversation. We even mentioned at the start of the night that if any boys were to speak to us we’d make it quite clear that we were not interested!

So of course, 20 mins into our conversation a boy came up and sat down at our table, saying he was supposed to meet some friends but they hadn’t arrived yet, so could he sit with us while he waited? Quite annoyed at being interrupted, especially at such a pivitol point of the conversation, we tried in every which way to shun him and portray our disinterest. We must have been doing a terrible job, though, because he was persistant and he eventually weaseled his way into our conversation! And then his friends turned up and joined us, and we knew there was no going back to our one on one discussion.

So as the beers flowed, and we got progressively more inebriated (read: uninhibited), we decided to hit the dance floor. This of course meant dancing with/being groped by/randomly pashing a number of men. One in particular that took my fancy was a sexy Irishman with a deep voice. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying, but I could listen to him talk for hours. He left pretty early on though, but not without taking my phone number and promising to call. Ha! How many times have I heard that one?!

Later on in the night, we met up again with the boy who interrupted our conversation earlier. My friend was getting quite cosy with him, and after a while we all decided to leave – as I had no money and therefore no way of getting home, I suggested that we all go back and crash at my house (me getting a free lift home in the interim).

So after downing a few bottles of water and exchanging more drunken banter, I left those two in the guest bedroom and went upstairs to bed. Alone. I fell asleep straight away, but was awoken about an hour later to The Boy whispering my name.

Him: "Can I share your bed?"

Me: "Why, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Is (friend’s name) ok?"

Him: "Your friend got a call from her Ex and left in a taxi"

To my drunken/half asleep mind it seemed logical that her absence meant The Boy couldn’t sleep alone, and I agreed to him sharing my bed. It was mere minutes later that The Boy was touching me – rubbing his hands up and down my back, over my hips and breasts and down the back of my underwear. I tried pushing him off and I repeatedly told him to stop, but he wouldn’t. He continued to touch me no matter how many time I pushed his hand away…

Now, I’m not really one to deny a handsome, relatively charming man sexual fulfillment. Part of me definitely wanted to sleep with him, but a few factors were holding me back… like, the fact that I’d only been treated for an STD three days earlier, the fact that he had been interested in my friend all night, the fact that I might possibly have still had some "spotting" from my aforementioned medical troubles… And how was I supposed to explain all that to this guy in the heat of passion (on his half)?

I must have been resisting his advances (i.e. his repeated attempts at removing my underwear) for about an hour, and in the mean time I was becoming increasingly aroused. I was stopping him from touching between my legs, but I was allowing free rein on my breasts, and he was taking full advantage of that. I can tell you, one of my favourite things in the bedroom is to have my nipples played with – simultaneously, if possible! And this Boy was sucking and licking one whilst toying with the other and I was in heaven! As I became more and more turned on I was less guarded, and The Boy soon managed to work his way into my underwear. He went down on me – from behind – something I hadn’t quite experienced before, and it was incredible. So much pleasure, and he wasn’t even anywhere near my clit! And then he put his fingers inside of me, and it was like nothing I’d ever felt before. I knew then that I wanted him to fuck me.

He must have read my mind, because the next thing I knew he had slid his hard cock into me. He managed a few thrusts before I pulled away and said "The least you can do is wear a condom". So once he’d put it on and he was fucking me again, I couldn’t believe the pleasure I was deriving from the act. I’ve never been one to feel immense pleasure from actual intercourse – I’ve never cum from penetration alone –  so it was all so new for me. I was getting so worked up that I was quite sure I would come, but he finished too soon and I was left to go without.

My theory is that he had spent so much time building up to the moment of penetration that I was allowed enough time to get sufficiently aroused. Too many previous sexual encounters had been more straight to the point with far less "foreplay" (if you could call it that). It was probably a mixture of that and the whole "rape fantasy" thing again – that idea of being taken advantage of is a real turn on. I only wish it had gone on a little longer so I had been able to come.

I’ve realised from this, though, how important it is to slowly lead into sex. I feel like I’ve learnt something about myself and my sexuality from this experience. I had always thought I was just one of those unlucky girls who didn’t have orgasms without direct clitoral contact and that I’d always be that way. Now I realise it’s all about the arousal level as well as the comfort level. I do believe I could have those feelings again, I just need the man I’m with to be patient and allow me enough time to get really well and truly turned on.

It’s funny how I discovered this by accident – by continuously refusing the advances of a very horny guy, who just wanted to get right in and fuck me straight away. Ironic, really.

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February 12, 2007

Hey! Thanks for the note. I defintly will talk to him about it. Its would be fun to experience some of that stuff with him. It was nice to here from u!! KIT!

February 12, 2007

WOW!!! My last comment, i wrote before even reading ur entry and my reaction to this entry is WOW!!! I can totally relate to u. I love the feeling of sexual arousal but it has to come with time, though i do enjoy a good orgasm with clitoral contact (us u put it) it is nice to have an arousal with just the feeling or foreplay. If i make any sense. But i can relate!

February 12, 2007

RYN: I know that well enough. I didn’t go into my whole theory on it, but while it would be ideal that aboriginals could retain their 40 000 years of culture and way of life, it’s just not going to happen like that. Any improvement has to balance fairness with practicality. I think the best way forward is the one championed by Chris Sarra (ask me or read for yourself if you need 2), where

February 12, 2007

he (an aboriginal principal) turned the performance of Cherbourg State School around in a few years. It used to be one of the worst performing state schools, but he reduced the truancy rate and encouraged them to aim for their dreams. His motto was about using their race as a source of pride, not an excuse. As you can see, this line of thinking isn’t about suppressing their culture.

February 12, 2007

Other leading thinkers in the Indigenous ranks, such as Noel Pearson (probably their greatest political intellectual) believes the way forward is similar. He even advocates Tony Abbot being Prime Minister and taking control of affairs, which is a stronger opinion that most whites have!

February 12, 2007

As for your entry – really interesting! I can’t believe oral felt so good when he wasnt near your clit? I’ve always been aware of the need for a lengthy build-up – probably the best session was when it took about an hour before we were even both completely naked, and then I just took her – then went down on her. I’d barely started licking when she was flopping around like a salmon on the bed!

February 12, 2007

RYN: Thanks.

Ah, plently of time spent on the nipples is the key. Luckily for me I’m a nipple obsesive so it’s natural for me to take my time with them. You’re very honest and graphic. It’s certainly different from other diaries on here. Keep it up (get it?)

February 12, 2007

Gosh your entries are always so entertaining, it must be great to be you 🙂 But a wild night out is just what I need…but the ‘problem’ that you had…is one I now have 🙁 So after I get rid of that I’ll definitely make up for time lost! Looking forward to your next entry 🙂

February 12, 2007

That was wild, please take care of yourself

February 13, 2007

ryn- the reason why I am with her, is definitly not for convienience. There are several girls in my area that likes me, some of which are hotter that her. But, its her that I wanna be with. She really is great. I don’t think that she is cheating on me, I think that it is just my past that is making me worry too much. I told her how I was feeling last night, and things have changed, in a goodway

February 13, 2007

foreplay is always nice. I think it should take longer, than sex itself.

February 14, 2007

ha ha!! Yeah i guess i do gotta get out more. 🙂 he he!

February 14, 2007

haha ya i guess its like super strength haha, i didnt write that, i simply copied and pasted lol, funny still! anywho.. hey, lol hows life? im good, busy but good. Chris

February 15, 2007

ah a little foreplay does wonders to sexual arousal. I have found that the more foreplay to be had, the more likely the female is able to cum with you from penetration alone.

February 16, 2007

ryn: Haha! Always glad to encourage people to visit, especially if they haven’t been in a while. Best internet cartoon ever! Nice to make your acquaintance if only for one day in the history of life. Foreplay works…even better when you care about a person I on that deeper, friendship level- imagine how the intimacy feels then!

February 16, 2007

having sex before youre completely turned on can be a drag sometimes. girl, be careful with the unprotected sex thing cuz u dont want to get hpv….shit is scary. have fun this weekend.