i’m still here..

I haven’t written much this past week, i’ve been soo busy.  But I have been checking in to read here and there.   I only have a bit less than 3 weeks in summer school.. and then it’s back to subbing unless someting else pops up before then.  This is so frustrating.  I’m really going to start to plan our move if nothing does come up.  Possibly even if something does.  The economy here will never be what I want it to be and I don’t want to struggle and live, more or less, paycheck to paycheck forever.   OK enough of that, you guys too often, here me speculating about moving.. really i just need to make a damn decision and take action.. scary.. but necessary..

Anyway, although I’ve been busy, mostly just running errands and playing with the kids, and planning for school, we havent really done anything exciting lately.  I’m about 1/2 way through Harry Potter.  Normally I’d be finished already, but I just don’t have enough time to read.  (i’m going to get some in today though!)

Hey!  We just got a notice that my deck is going to get refinished this week.  Gotta love renting sometimes!  It’ll look SO much nicer.. i’ll take before and afters if I can remember.

OK well I guess that’s it for the moment..




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July 24, 2007

I’ve wondered where you are…you sound like a busy girl!

July 24, 2007

Come live in Canada!!!!!! =o)

July 24, 2007

Glad summer school is going well. Getting the urge to move again huh