great day/ job ramblings.* yay!
So I didn’t pack a darn thing today, and it felt wonderful! I really needed the break. We ended up spending the entire afternoon at my grandparents house swimming and playing outside in the sunshine! I soooo needed that. It was great since my mom, sister, and my neices were there too, and Dave and my brother in law (Steve) joined us after work too.
It was really a fun day. At first, the girls were a bit intimidated by the "big" pool, but with their life jackets and water wings (yes both) on, they both ended up bopping around the pool "swimming" on their own. Gotta love that! and Paige, holy moly, she was having me throw her into the water, she would bob under the water every time and LOOOVED IT! Before she had even caught her breath she would ask me to "do it again!" sooo funny! That little peanut is going to be one heck of a swimmer if you ask me! (pics to follow, maybe tomorrow)
Tomorrow I have my meeting/interview with the general manager of a restaurant here. I’ll have to find something semi-nice to wear. Although, I do enjoy waitressing (I have almost 10 years experience!) I really am not looking forward the the hours. I would much rather teach summer school, which isn’t totally out of the cards yet. Working at this place, they only offer dinner, so I would only be able to work what is in essence, 2nd shift. NOT totally ideal for summer.. however since I served/bartended for the past I don’t know how many summers I should be used to it. However, for the last few years, Dave was my boss, I made my own schedule, and after he left Six Flags, either myself or our friend made the bar schedule, which meant, I made my own schedule! This would be completely different. I guess my main concern is over the fourth of July. I love it, it’s a great time with the kids, and I’d hate to miss it, but there will be other nice days and there are fireworks at Niagara Falls every Friday night in the summer so we could just take the girls there some night..
whatever, no matter what these concerns are, we need me to work. We need money, we need to pay our bills on time, so this is the means to that end.
YAY!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!! All sung in a sing-song like Maya, accompanied by a little dance..
I just won an auction on ebay for the valance that will match my kitchen stuff.. I didn’t notice before that it said used, but really i guess, who cares as long as it isn’t faded.. whatever, i’m getting it for 3 dollars less than on the Pfaltzgraff site including shipping! Actually if I bought it on the pf.. site I would have to pay their shipping.. so yeah, it’s still a good deal.. Go me!