So good! Friends!


What’s good?  how about a conversation with a friend, one of those conversations that reverberates to the bottom of you soul….

I was driving home this morning around 2am and I was thinking of this girl…she has been sharing with me some recent things in her life and I was reflecting on how proud I was of her.

Why?  because she is going from being a "bleeder" to a "fighter" (go look up Lou Reid and find the song) which to my simplistic world view breaks people into victims (bleeders) or those who choose not to be victims (fighters)

and anyways she is basically no longer a leaf drifting down the rapids and crazy currents of life but is choosing to push and shape her environment through her decisions to affect her circumstances…its good to watch and incredibily rewarding….I would like to take credit for it but alas tis not me its all her…

but anyways we spoke tonight on the phone in one of those rare moments of complete lucidity but also both of us with our guards down and completely honest…scary but also highly rewarding…I think because we both know and totally respect each other for what and where we each our in our lives…

ironically it also makes her highly attractive to me despite the fact that a relationship is strictly verboten on both ends…

what do we get?  We get to be a rare type of friend, loyalty undying, uncompromising and pure…honest and direct yet with clear boundaries…

In truth I cannot wait to see where this new path leads her….

I cannot wait to share in her triumphs,  and stand by her side at the scary spots when she doubts her resolve..

Yay her!

She deserves it.

I hope in her heart she is giving a great big "FUCK YOU! LOOK AT ME NOW!" To those who have purposely and deliberately hurt her

I am glad she calls me friend!

I hope to be worthy of the title…..

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Well, it’s about bloody time! As long as your boundaries are clear, your friendship will sustain and hold true. Glad you both feel good about it now. No doubt you know she deleted her diary. Let a new chapter begin. Anyway, you’re an inspiration and hopefully, anyone else that crosses your path can gain some kind of grace knowing that your intentions are mostly good. Enjoy your day!G~

friends are so very important *hugs*