Driving for Pleasure..
I had the chance to take both of the toys out for a drive today..
I don’t get to drive the white one much because it is Hers, (complicated story…but effectively its Hers) but she needed to use the truck so she left Princess (the white one is Princess and the grey one is the Dirty Whore..) at the office so Yay ME!!!! I was able to tear up some highway coming to work in the Dirty Whore and then hop in Princess for some tooling around!
The Princess is much much faster than the Dirty Whore but that dirty one…OH MY!! You can take him right in the mud, the harder you drive him the more HE likes it…The Princess, her tires will never be seen drifting around a gravel patch at the edge of the I-85 onramp…but Dirty Whore, he is happiest when he is being abused by the operator…
The best phrase that fits the bill is a Southern livestock/aggriculture expression, He/she was “Rode hard and put away wet….” that is exactly the purpose of The Dirty Whore, I intend to drive the shit out of that car, and am gonna have a ball…
I love them both for different reasons…convertible hardtop is nice, but the body lines (that ASS!!!) on the Dirty Whore, oh my!!
They are both the same make and manufacturer (BMW Z4) but different years and set-ups..truly in all honesty the Princess is too much car for me, way too fast..too many gears to step through..but she is convertible!!
Those descriptions
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I almost bought a z4 but they are too tiny for me. I shop too much I need at least a back seat lol
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