Open Diary’s Vibe is different
I discovered OD back in the 90’s and since I’m a writer, it appealed to me. Back then it was quite different. It was lit. These day’s its a bit dragged. Back then we had a community of people who actually read another authors entry and commented…connected…n became ur online tribe. Granted I have only been in here for a minute and I have pumped out feeling after feeling onto these pages and…crickets .
I dunno….hopefully I don’t get bored and say fuck it in the chuck it bucket.
Prove me wrong my fellow ODers.
Want to become my Tribe?
You are correct; it’s not the same. I was just thinking this morning about how alive this place was from 98-2014 ish.
I don’t think it can come back; when users have trouble we get zero answers, that means more people leave etc
Oh wow. It’s definitely different. I enjoy writing n Journaling so it serves it’s purpose in that way. Ty for ur comment.
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Are you nothing others too? There is also PB which may be more active. I’m currently trying out both!
I’m just now back on here after a hyadius but I luv reading other diaries. Ty for introducing another site. I’m going to check it out. I appreciate u.
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I couldn’t agree more! OD used to be sooo much better. I’ve been here since 2003, and can recognize that it just hasn’t been the same since it came back online. I truly do miss the old OD-the format and everything. And yes, it definitely had a much more communal feel to it back then. I used to have so many regular noters. I like how you describe it as a tribe. That’s defy the feel it once had. I think so many prior left and just never returned. It’s sad in a way. You allow people into your life and they’re there for a little while, then leave and never return. Life is so strange….
It really does go back to the saying…some people are only in ur life for a season. I guess that’s what it really is. I definitely miss the people I’ve connected with in my life but I’ve grown n I understand how life works. I always appreciate another perspective about life n the shit we go through…sometimes it’s so comforting to know that others understand my words n feelings as I understand urs.
Words are a wonder…it’s a dance between feelings n words and I’m just the narrator. Ty for commenting ur feelings on the matter. Much luv
No problemo, you’re very welcome
you seem super cool btw. Glad to have a new OD friend. I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading, but feel free to check out older entries. It’s been a crazy few months for me.
Ty luv. Ditto my new friend.
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I remember Open Diary from a long time ago. Maybe my old account exists somewhere here but I don’t even remember the email address I used back then. Its honestly a sign of the times. Today its all about 30 second video clips and short bits of text. The days of journals and forums are old school. Out dated.
Not many want to sit here and write out whatever they are thinking and instead will do one of the things mentioned before to get those clicks and get those likes on the more popular places. Back in the day, I remember Live Journal and the more edgey “Dead Journal”… good times.
The internet is so much bigger these days and like many things in life, people just kinda fell in line with whatever the popular thing of today is like good little sheep. I dunno.
I came back because I was told it would help to write out my thoughts and it seems pointless to write it out where no one could ever possibly see it so here I am, at least for now.
Sometimes change isn’t good. Some old school ways are better than the new school. I still journal. I have umpteen millions paper diaries/journals/note pads laying around. Writing is my self therapy n I don’t think I will ever lose the desire to put words on paper.
Ty for becoming my tribe
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Oh my goodness this hits home. A friend and mentor figure challenged me to journal more in the mid-2000’s and OD became a refuge in my life. I read someone wrote about OD that they had “grown up here.” I think OD was one of the only places online that felt like an actual community to me…people read my my work and I was continually blown away by the authenticity and talent that came through others’ words.
Online interaction now is just a drive-by motivated by dopamine hits. Facebook made everyone look at themselves like a brand they needed to up-sale…OD was the opposite, it was a place to peel back protective layers…it was a place to confess
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I’ll join the chorus of folks that miss the 90’s online community here. I just reopened my account 2 days ago and have no idea what happened to my old account, but here I am.
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