Starbucks Boy

I accidentally texted Starbucks boy a couple weeks ago, instead of my ex, Mike.
He generally responds in a timely manner, so when he didn’t answer me, I went to call him…and that’s when I realized I must have texted the wrong Mike, so I went back into my messages, and sure enough, I had.

I called him on accident last night.

I REALLY need to change how they’re listed in my contacts.

He texted me a few minutes later, "Dial the wrong Mike again?"
Ahhh! Seriously?!
I texted back, "Haha, yes…& I am now glad I opted out of leaving a message – you would have been very confused by me rambling about taxes. I’ll be in town next week though, perhaps I’ll see you."
What! Why? I added that last part intuitively. I don’t know what I was thinking. What the purpose was of that statement.
I rarely ever see him when I’m home, and we haven’t actually spoken in years!
(with the exception of that message he sent me over Christmas – but that was just a single text, not a convo & we exchange niceties when we see eachother but nothing legit)

But I sent the message and didn’t even think twice about it.
(which is unusual, because generally in situations like this I get nervous and obsess over what I said and sit by the phone waiting for some kind of a response – esp when it comes to him)

A couple hours later he texts back:

"Indeed. Perhaps you should call me on purpose while you’re in town ;)"

I was half-asleep when I got the text and I got up this morning fully expecting for it to have just been a dream.
It wasn’t.
The text was still there when I woke up this morning, winky face and all.

And yes, I am now listening to the Goo Goo Dolls & Sugarcult and reminiscing.

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