
I texted Andy the other day.
I was at work and someone said something about “two out of three ain’t bad” and started singing the Meatloaf song (2 out of 3 Ain’t Bad) & I laughed (because of our inside joke about 2 outta 3).
So I sent the song to Andy, telling him it reminded me of him.
He texted me back, saying it was clever. And then mentioned that he had been thinking about me a lot lately.
I didn’t know what to say.
I didn’t want to get emotional, so I nonchalantly texted back,  “And?”
He said “And, I just thought you should know”
I didn’t say anything back. I appreciated it for what its worth, but didn’t want to entangle myself in it.

He texted me last night, that he went to a Shiny Toy Guns concert & said he wished I was there with him.
(I introduced him to Shiny Toy Guns when we were dating & he didn’t like them then, but they’ve grown on him over the years, so that’s why he brought it up).
I don’t know what to do.

I don’t want to respond to these gestures because I feel like that’s just letting myself get led on to continue having these feelings for him – that I don’t want to have because we aren’t together and probably won’t ever be. But at the same time, what if these gestures are because we CAN BE together?
I can’t just ignore and ignore and ignore and expect him (if he does actually have feelings for me still) to keep trying and trying and trying.
At some point he’s going to assume me ignoring his gestures means I don’t want him. And he’ll quit. And stop wanting me.
And I do want him.

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