Andy texted me this evening.
It was sweet.
(I guess maybe sweet isn’t quite the word most would use, but whatever, it falls under my category of “sweet” things)
His company pays for his phone, so he has to delete things (pictures) that I send him.
But he’d apparently missed one at some point, because he came across it today – at work.
And almost got caught…er, you know.
I know it’s ridiculous, but it makes me feel a little happy that he still fantasizes about me.
There are far prettier girls out there, far more physically endowed, far sexier, than I. But thoughts of me still get him aroused.
And I don’t know, that means more than it probably should to me.
I keep wanting to ask him if he’s been with anyone since me.
I want to believe he hasn’t (and I have no reason to believe he has – except that, he’s a guy).
But at the same time, if he tells me he hasn’t, I’ll feel terribly guilty for my own promiscuity.
And if he tells me he has, I’ll be terribly, jealous? hurt? I don’t know, some irrational and unfounded emotion.
Anyway. I made him tell me the particular fantasy of the day, which I will copy into a private entry because it’s pretty graphic.
But again, “sweet”.