
He texted me this morning, which I didn’t expect.
He’d said he’d get a hold of me today…but I expected that if he was still going to want to see me at all that he’d wait to get together til late in the evening; but he texted me early this morning (well 11 o clock, early-ish to me…), told me he had today and Thursday off & asked if I wanted to do anything.
There really wasn’t much to do, so we went and played a round of disc golf, went to dinner and had a drink, and then went back to his house.

I sat on the bed, and he sat next to me. Close.
I don’t know what we were talking about, or if we had really started talking at all.
But I turned and looked at him and he just leaned in and started kissing me.
I guess I had let go of any thought that we would even continue seeing eachother even casually really, much less being “together”.
I’m not going to lie, I wanted it to happen, I was hoping it would happen, but it was one of those things that you know in the back of your mind isn’t actually going to happen.
So it was even better when it did happen. Because it wasn’t expected.
He eventually pulled me on top of him, and started unbuttoning my pants.
It was some of the best sex we’ve had, and we have had a lot of good sex.

Maybe it was because we both knew we shouldn’t. But we both still wanted it.
How can you not? When it’s THAT intimate.

Those are THE moments worth living for, feeling like that. What kind of life would it be to never feel that way?
I have to take advantage of any opportunity I get. Because you never know how long it’s gonna be before another opportunity comes along.

It’s a bad idea I know. But.
It’s going to hurt when he leaves no matter what happens between now and then, so, why not do whatever the fuck we want while he’s still here?

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