$2000 gone

My car was broken into the other night.
My purse, GPS, my laptop, my iPod touch, my Coach clutch, cd’s, etc etc etc.
Now, before you think to yourself “why the fuck would you leave all that in your car in the first place, idiot?!” let me explain.

I was on my way to Micheal’s, we’d done my taxes a couple nights before, and I wanted to e*file them, so I had my laptop and tax papers with me.
Karen calls me, wants me to go get a drink with her – which I did not want to do, especially at the particular bar she wanted to go. I told Micheal how much I didn’t want to go out, but that I felt like I should because it was my last night at home, so I had reluctantly agreed to go with her anyway. But I was only going to have a drink or two, and then be on my way, that I may even come over before going home, since at that time it was only 7 and I wasn’t planning to stay at the bar for more than an hour or 2.

I just took my license and my debit card in the bar with me, putting my purse on the floor, kinda pushed up under the chair, my GPS was in my center console, and I’d covered my laptop bag with my jacket.

I had 2 drinks. 2 vodka & cranberry’s…my default “not getting drunk” drink.
I had worked that morning at the restaurant, so I’d eaten plenty, I hadn’t taken any pills or anything that would interact with the alcohol. And we were there for 3 hours, I’ve drank more than that in that amount of time and still been just fine to drive (legitimately) plenty of times before.

…I was more “drunk” than I have ever been in my entire life.
And I didn’t think it was even possibly to get sicker than I did on St. Patrick’s Day last year.
I am pretty sure someone put something in my drink, because it just doesn’t make sense.
Even if they had put double shots in both drinks…I shouldn’t have been sick, I would have definitely been feeling it but I’ve drank that much, and more, plenty of times before and not gotten anywhere near being sick. And I would have noticed if they were that strong.
I went from sitting there having a coherent conversation to throwing up (which I have NEVER done in a public restroom) and then blacking out (which I haven’t done since the very first time I got drunk).
And it was only 10:30.

I don’t even remember leaving…so obviously I was in no state to be thinking about grabbing my things out of my car.

It just makes me so angry…at least, if I had just been irresponsible and gone out knowingly getting wasted, I would only have myself to blame.
But I had no intention of getting drunk, and every intention of driving home.

Karen drove me back to my car the next morning and there was glass everywhere…someone had broken the passenger window and taken literally every little thing I had in there.

I called the police out and filed a report…but fuck, they’re not going to do a damn thing about it, and realistically, what CAN they do?…there were no fingerprints, no cameras in the parking lot, no witnesses, nothing to go on.

Worst 24 hours ever.

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Sux for you. my bro has had his ipod and cell phone stolen before. good times