Visitors from Texas
When I was in Texas, Eric had suggested that in the spring, he should come up and visit me. I was all for it. Me made plans for Heather, AnnMarie and himself to come up for a weekend a few weeks after Chrissy’s Birthday. I was really excited for their arrival.
When they got to town we showed them around to the places we thought were of interest. Chrissy and I took them to Buffalo Bill’s Gravesite and Museum and Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater among other places. That night we went out to a Piano bar downtown and had a great time.
Chrissy, Heather AnnMarie, Me & Eric Heather, AnnMrie, & Chrissy in my Jeep
Red Rocks Eric eating Breakfast Chrissy, the Coffee Addict
The next evening we hung out in my apartment and played games. Chrissy wanted to go pick up Zak. I told her she could only use my Jeep only if she brought back Lori as well. Not that I wanted to see Lori, but I was kind of embarrassed I didn’t have many friends yet, and I also wanted Chrissy to have to do some kind of chore to earn using the Jeep. It was petty, I know, but I was still annoyed they tried to set me up with her that it’s only fair they bring her when it’s inconvenient for them as well. I was actually surprised she agreed to come when they called her.
We played a game called “Imagine If…” It’s a game where a player reads off a card Imagine if I were a car. What kind of care would I be. And everyone would write down their choice of 4 options. Whoever guesses the same as that persons answer gets a point. At one point AnnMarie got “If I were a monster, which monster would I be. The whole room chose Cookie Monster, even Lori, who just met AnnMarie. The only one who didn’t was AnnMarie herself. She chose Jekyll & Hyde because according to her she can get really mad. She was wrong. She’s too sweet and just going “Grrrrrr” does not make one angry.
Unlike the previous time, Lori and I got along rather well. She got along with everyone actually. We got along enough that a week later, after Eric and friends had left, a group of Zak’s friends were going to the movies and we were both invited to go. We went to see “Romeo Must Die” and after that we all went to a pizza joint that one of Chrissy’s classmates worked at. That night I realized there was an upside to Chrissy dating Zak. He would pay for her allowing me to use my money for what I want. At the pizza place, I offered to pay for Lori’s food because I could. Not that it did any good. Zak pulled Lori aside and asked to borrow money so he could pay for Chrissy’s food. Ironic.
After dinner, the four of us went back to our apartment to hang out. We got into a conversation about Gremlins and ended up watching the movie until it was time to drive Lori home. I ended up driving her home as Chrissy and Zak stayed behind.
Lori gave me the low down on Zak, and I found out he was as much as a dreamer and financial hurricane as Chrissy was. They were made for each other. When I got back to the apartment they were in the middle of having loud sex. This time there was no music playing to even try to drown it out. It was very uncomfortable, so I went for a walk.
Lori and I hung out a couple of times after that. One of the first days we were hanging out, my ex-girlfriend, Dena called me. We were still on speaking terms, but I know her current boyfriend didn’t like her talking to me. Because of that, she told me that it would be better if I never call her and that she would call me to talk. Anyway, when she called me, I told her I was hanging out with Lori and she said
she would let me go. I never heard from her again.
Around Easter I remember Eric asking me about her. I had mixed feelings. I liked her well enough, but I didn’t know if I’d want to date her because I liked her or if I’d want to date her for lack of other prospects. He asked me if he could ask her out. I was a little shocked by that. He did live in Texas. I told him he could. I didn’t think she would go for it. Surprisingly, she did.
you is supa hot in that pic, you look like a bad boy
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