More Mary
Mary was quickly becoming a burden on everyone. We needed to find a place for her to live and quick. Luckily for us there was a place that helped connect people to places to live. Mary just needed $150 deposit and she’d be able to move into a room available within walking distance from work. I gladly forked over the cash to her as a loan I assumed I’d never see again. George and I drove her to her new place.
We briefly met her new “landlord.” He was an older, gay, black man that had opted to smoke some joints instead of finish painting her room so she could move in. We discussed Elton John, he thought George had a nice ass and only saw a few cockroaches. We deemed Mary would be fine, told her to enjoy her new life and left. Yes, we still worked with her and I was interested in hearing about her first night in her new place, but wishful thinking made me think we were done with the “Mary problem.”
I soon found out through Matt that he had sex with her in his car while she was sleeping in his car while she was “homeless” and he was working at the parking lot. While initially mortified, I thought this was a great “escape clause” for me. “Did you do that thing from behind?” is all I could say, making Matt aware that I myself had sex with her.
When I confronted Mary about this revelation of her having sex with my friend, she made a comment that she really regretted it and that it was before she liked me. I was “It was last week!”
“Ohhh. She replied, looking really guilty. “I thought I didn’t have a chance with you anymore.”
I was like “You don’t, but what were you talking about.” And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Mark. The night of the ’70 party. While he is dating Priscilla. Priscilla is going to freak out. She told me that Mark did it to get back at Priscilla for cheating on him with “Serge” when they first started dating, and begged me not to tell her. Priscilla was my friend, but I agreed to not bring it up unless specifically asked about it. I figured the two of them were "even", but I warned Mary, if Priscilla ever did find out about it and I had to choose between the two of them, I’d choose Priscilla.
That weekend she wanted to join us on our trip to C.P.I.’s. I told her no. She asked why not and I told her because I wasn’t driving. Sean was. I told her it was not possible. She then told me if she were my girlfriend, he’d have to let her come. I told her she wasn’t my girlfriend and I could never be her boyfriend after all that. She kept begging. I kept saying no. Finally, we agreed to terms. She would be my ‘secret girlfriend’ that I wouldn’t have to see, or hang out with, or take anywhere and at work only talk business. It sounded like a plan to me. She then asked if she could go with us to the club. I said no. She said she understood.
Within minutes, George came over and asked if Mary and I were secret Boyfriend/Girlfriends. I said yeah and told him the terms of our arrangement. He said she was crying because she can’t go to the club. I told her she said she understood.
“She understands. Doesn’t mean she likes it. I went over and told her there was no room for her. She said she would sit on my lap. I told her that wouldn’t work.
She then asked me “If there was room in the car, would you want me to come?” I said sure, if there was room. But there isn’t. She understood. She then asked if I could drop off some of her stuff that was stored in my car before we went. I told her no problem. When we dropped off her stuff, she jumped in Sean’s car. Everyone was pissed. That night at the club, I broke off our ‘secret relationship’.
you have an incredibly memory, to recall all this stuff so clearly…
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I was just thinking the same thing as above. Really enjoying this so far
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the canadian girls love you kerry !
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