Wednesday 9/13/23

11:28 a.m. 


A couple days ago an aide called my hospital gown a nightgown. Another lady that same day called it dress . The aide said it does look like a dress I’m kind of sensitive about these kinds of remarks. They have been bothering me the last few days. I’m wearing hospital gowns or gowns for short . This is not a nightgown or a dress. 

Anyways it seems I lost an entry.It is no big deal. I’m having a typical nursing home morning. They got me up at 4am I slept well last night but was still tired. I fell asleep in my wheelchair sleeping until they served breakfast and coffee.  I had bacon and eggs plus cereal and toast. The food and coffee finally jump started my engine.  

I talked with Chococolatechip after I ate.  She decided not to move. The whole idea was making her extremely anxious . Chococolatechip was waking up with heart palpitations and chest pains. She also said moving is a big endeavor and very expensive. She doesn’t have the stamina or the money to move. She said she will make the best of it at OT.

 Chococolatechip also said her computer died. I asked if she can get a new one. She said she can’t afford one. I said maybe Kathleen could buy one for you. Not likely she said. Besides Chococolatechip doesn’t like to ask her family for financial help. She has a tablet. So she is not cut off from the world. 

I started to read after we finished our talk. Holly is getting more interesting with each passing page.  I read for a couple hours this morning.  Then I went to the coffee social. I only had two cups and a fruit punch. For lunch I had two pieces of chicken breast sweet potatoes and corn bread. An aide was nice enough to push meback

I’m having a good day except I haven’t been changed since 4am I’m pretty well soaked. I’m also getting very upset. I hate sitting in urine all day long. I have the call light on but the aides never answer. They are taking care of lunch trays. I’ll be sitting in my own urine all afternoon.   

2:35p.m. Happy day! I’m in bed and changed. I didn’t have to wait long at all. The aide was nice and did a good job. But still, I think I went a very long time without getting changed. I do feel better but I should have been changed sooner.

Then, I had a visitor. Michelle Richmond, the ombudsman visited me. I told her about the times I went all night without being .I said this happened at least three times. I also told her about not getting changed. She said she will talk to the administrator of the nursing home.

Then I said i basically like it here. My only complaint is they don’t change me. I thought about moving but I figured it would be the same anywhere. She said that is right. I fortunately. Then she askef if I complained to anyone in here. I said I talked with a nurse practitioner about my concerns. Then I said I complain to people a lot. Things get better for awhile then they slack again. Again she said that is common 

I was surprised to hear from her. I called and left a message but she never returned my calls. I said to myself I’m not calling her again. I thought she gave up on me. But today she pays me a visit. I hope to God things improve.  

6:18p.m. I read a lot and talked with Chocolatechip this afternoon I received good care. I had an accident around 4. The aide came right in and changed me. Then I talked with Chocolatechip for a long time. We talked until they served supper. It was ok. I had macaroni and cheese, a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream  I ate the ice cream and it didn’t make me sick.  

I am thoroughly enjoying the Stephen King book Holly. I read about 50 pages today. The plot in the story thickens with each page. I don’t want to spoil the story by revealing the plot I will say the book is a page turner. I give it a five star rating and think it is one of King’s better works. 

I am very proud of myself. I’m on a 35 day reading streak. I hope to reach my previous record of 82 days. I’m almost halfway there. I aim to do more reading tonight but I don’t want to stay up too  late.

7:37pm I just finished a very scary part of the book.Also, I think something bad is about to happen to Holly Gibney. She is about to meet up with the crazy old couple. I want to go on but I don’t. Holly is fictional character. It seems crazy but I care about her. I don’t want nothing bad to happen to her But something will happen. There is no telling how a Stephen King story ends. 

I read enough today but something is driving me on. I’m getting sleepy and I should give it a rest. But I will continue to read on.  I won’t be able to sleep tonight because of that damned book I keep thinking about a fictional character I just got to find out what happens next!








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