Wednesday 8/7/24

10:42a.m. I am having a lousy morning. I was soaked and couldn’t get changed until 9:30. Then I had a very bad incontinence episode after the aide left. I will have to sit in urine all day. Also, I couldn’t eat my breakfast or drink coffee. This alone is enough to put anyone in a bad mood. Finially, the laundry hasn’t been returned my clothes all week. I’ve been wearing hospital gowns. These are not the most comfortable garmetsl when you have to sit on the hoyer pad all day. 

One good thing is staff is planning a Walmart trip this afternoon. At least that what it says on the monthly calendar. I hope I’m getting a $100 Amazon Gift card. If so I can buy that Bluetooth headphones from Anker Sound Core for $60.99. 

I did have a good night after my shower. I did some reading from The Edge by David Baldacci. I read for about an hour. The hen I fell asleep. I had a  nice sex dream. I was having an illicit relationship with my accounting teacher. I was rubbing her shoulders in the class room . We both got turned on. 

Then I had a dream where I was in the Mafia. I was in this guy’s basement. His son was doing laundry. The father owed me money. I started to destroy his property because I he wouldn’t pay up. Then I beat up his son. I don’t know what happened because the aides woke me up . What a night. 

I’m not looking forward to lunch. They are serving Mac and cheese, stewed tomatoes,a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. Dinner is better. I’m having buttermilk chicken, mixed vegetables, sweet potatoes, cornbread and pears. I do not like stewed tomatoes. 

I talked with Chocolatechip. She finially made it to the bank.She also paid her rent. Chocolatechip is expecting a med delivery. Then her case manager is taking her to Walmart for groceries. I’ glad she is doing better.     

12:33 p.m. I’ve been sleeping. Aide woke me up. She had my coffee and juice for lunch. Coffee helped me feel better. The macaroni and cheese was cold. But I ate it. It was better than nothing.   

2:33p.m. I have been enjoying The New York Times. I read several interesting articles. Then I went to activities to see about my gift card. I didn’t get one. She said they will pick one up when they go again tomorrow. Then she couldn’t tell me if I will be getting a $50 or $100 card. I should be getting  $100 gift card because they didn’t go last month. Bummer! 

Still I’m feeling somewhat better. Lunch and reading helped. I haven’t heard from Chocolatechip though. She is expecting a call from the pharmacy. She can’t tie up the line. Then her cm is taking her to Walmart for groceries. So she is pretty busy I guess . It is back to the paper.   

4:08p.m. It looks like I will only get a $50 gift card tomorrow. The nursing home said I got one last month. I did not get a gift card last month. They are lying. It looks like I will have to get a cheeper speaker tomorrow. I will get another Anker Sound Core for $27.99 .

Other than that I’m having a great afternoon. I been chilling out by reading The New York Times . I’ve been reading about Tim Walz . He had an interesting life. I hope he will be an asset for the Dems in November.     

6:07p.m. I had a good supper. Before that I was looking at Bluetooth speakers. I saw one for a total cost of $49.80 . I’m torn between getting the cheeper one for $27.99 or the more expensive one.  I will get the expensive one sooner so that is a plus Also the overall quality might be better. I’m a firm believer in you get what you pay for. 

The bad part is they are both made by Anker Sound Core. The last speaker I had from them died on me only after a few short months it would be foolish to fork out that kind of money to the same company. What if the new speaker is defective? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.  But I’ll probably go for the more expensive one.  

I also heard from Chocolatechip. She got back from Walt around 4:00. She bought enough groceries to last a week.She also got her Aristrada med from the pharmacy. So she had a pretty good day. Tonight is Bingo night in Misery Towers. Chocolatechip said she plans on going. I said I’m glad you are going. She will call when she gets back. 

I’m still in my wheelchair I had a  lot of incontinence episodes this afternoon. But I haven’t been changed since they got me up this morning. I’m soaked but it will be another couple hours before I get help. This is par for the course.     

7:39p.m. Boy was I ever mad. I got into it with the aide that just came on duty.e I was still in my wheelchair after almost ten hours. Also I’ve been sitting in piss and shit half the day. So I wasn’t in the best of moods. She said I need to speak up to the people on daylight and ring my call light. I do ring the damned call light but it doesn’t do any good.

Anyways we exchanged a few words. But she ended up being nice. She got me in bed , cleaned me up, put cream on my sores and changed my briefs. Then she cleaned up the puddles of pee that were on the floor and got clean oxygen tubing. I thanked her and apologized for yelling. I couldn’t of asked for better treatment. 

I called Chocolatechip. She left bingo early . She was pretty tired. Chocolatechip had been up since 3:00. But we talked for a few minutes then we said goodbye . 

This has been another shitty day because of zero care. Tomorrow will probably be the same. It shouldn’t have to be like this. But welcome to my world.         

9:53p.m. I’ve been reading The Edge by David Baldacci. This story has a lot of unexpected plot twists. I’ve also been looking at books on my wish list . It occurred to me I could buy a few more.books tomorrow. But I have enough books. I better invest in another speaker. I think I decided on that speaker for $49.50 something.        

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August 7, 2024

What about the buttermilk chicken?

August 7, 2024

@ravdiablo  It was good