Wednesday 8/28/24

8:54p.m. I had some weird dreams last night. In one dream I was a Black man on trial for a murder I didn’t commit. The state railroading me. I was up against a racisist judge and jury. I was going to be fried. I had another dream about another trial. This time I was a judge trying a murder case. I’m not sure what happened in this one because I woke up.     

Sleep was intermittent last night. But I was up for for good by breakfast. I had had toast, bacon and eggs. I didn’t eat the eggs. Then the aide came in to get me in my wheelchair already. So I’m dressed and above the dirt.   

I talked with Chocolatechip this morning. She going shopping at Walmart. She wants to load money on her debit card. I think she said something about buying a new landline. The phone she has is about shot. Chocolatechip seemed in good spirits today. We talked for a few minutes then she had to get ready for her case manager.  

I’m doing fairly well myself.  I’m not in any pain. My cough isn’t too bad this morning. I did have something to eat. I’m going to do my best not to bitch about the nursing home and have a good day. 

11:33a.m. I’ve been sleeping in my wheelchair almost all morning. I feel run down and tired. I guess I’m just a grumpy old man anymore. I’m always bitchin about something.    

1:01p.m. I had a good lunch. They served macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes,a dinner roll and vanilla ice cream. I ate everything but the tomatoes. I also had a nice cup of hot coffee that made me feel better. So I think I’ll live another day.    

I haven’t been up to listening to my audiobook.  I plan on doing so this afternoon. I’m anxious to finish it. It is an excellent account of the Vietnam War. I will give this a five star rating.     

5:09p.m. I am having a pretty good afternoon. I have been listening to Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. Again I will say this is an excellent history of that tragic period. The author was talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Johnson used this to get an almost unanimous concent.from Congress in the form of the infamous Golf of Tonkin Resolutions. This was in effect a declaration of war.   

I was also talking to Chocolatechip. She had a good day as well. She did buy a much needed phone plus groceries. Chocolatechip said she has some money left over from her shopping trip. Wednesday night is Bingo night at Misery Towers. She plans on going. I said that is great. I hope she has a good time. Bingo starts at 5:30. 

I was talking about how I need a new phone. Chocolatechip can hardly hear me. I cannot hear her half the time. I said I told.the aides about this a few weeks ago. They said they put in a work order. Nothing had been done about it. I told them aide again today. She said she will put in another work order. I guess a squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

 I’m waiting on supper right now. I don’t have a menu so I don’t know what I’m having . I doubt if I will eat it because I had a big lunch. My appetite has definitely changed since this cough. 

Also, I’ve been working with physical therapy again. Scott has been coming to my room after they put me to bed. We have been working on my legs focusing on my left leg. It wasn’t much of a workout but out. Scott was then telling me I’ walking by now if I got that knee replacement. I didn’t say anything but the thought ofl doing it scares the shit out of me.   

6:12p.m. I had two pieces of chicken for supper. That was enough for me. I am used to talking with.Chocolatechindp around this time. She is at Bingo tonight. I sincerely hopes she has a good time..I watched a bit of the local news from Channel 9. Nothing is going on though. Frankly I haven’t been up to the news. I haven’t been reading the New York Times.. I just haven’t been feeling well..That history book on Vietnam has taken up all my.timr. 

Speaking of books I am anxious to get started on The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris. I have eight more chapters on the Vietnam book. I should be finished with that book by Sunday if I can get through two a day. Books and reading sure keep me going.  I’d go crazy in this nursing home without my Kindle. 

While eating supper I was thinking abou that knee replacement surgery. I’m very scared of getting it for a number of reasons. The main reason is where will I go if I’m well enough and can walk? They will not take me back at Misery Towers. Besides I lost everything I owned when I was placed here. I bitch about this place a lot but I have no place else to go. I know for a fact that family.will not take me in. Bottom line is I’m scared of how I will survive on my own.    

8:58p.m. I’ve been listening to Vietnam:A History by Stanley Karnow all night. I got through two chapters . The author was talking about the start of U.S. buildup. I think I remember hearing about your the first combat troops that landed in.Da Nang  in March of 1965. By the end of the year there would be over one hundred thousand in South Vietnam. I found it all very interesting and so sad. We were stupid to get ourselves involved in that conflict.

I haven’t heard from Chocolatechip. She promised to call after Bingo. I called around 8:00 thinking she would be back. I left a message. I bet she got tired and went to bed. She said she was up at five this morning. This makes forma very long day.

I’m getting a bit sleepy myself. But I’m not ready for bed. I’m half tempted to stay up and listen to one more chapter. That book is so damned good.




T n u7l!







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August 28, 2024

I hope you have a good day!

August 31, 2024

Your first dream reminded me of “To Kill a Mockingbird”