Wednesday 7/3/ 24

7:03a.m. I’m back to my old self. I had a good night. I was up for good by 6:00 . Then the aide got me dressed and in my wheelchair by 6:30. I’m sitting in my chair drinking my orange juice and coffee. Life is good

11:02a.m. I’m having a great day so far. Breakfast consisted of toast and scramble eggs. I began reading You Like it Darker. I finished that one story “Laurie” I’m on a story now called “Rattlesnake.” It is another good and scarry story. I have been reading it almost all morning. 

I made my way to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. It went well. I had one cup. I brought my Kindle with me and read my book. I had kind cup of coffee. Then Adam from physical therapy came for me. I had a good session. Adam did a progress report and I am improving. He said I have two more weeks. I said I will miss coming down there. 

I’m back in my room. I called Chocolatechip but no answer. She must still be shopping at Krogers im going to read until lunch.

1:14p.m. I talked with Dr. Cosy, my psych doctor this morning. I thought it went well. I talked about the recent trip to the er.i told her about the vomiting and intern l bleeding . I also said the bleeding stopped and I was released. We also talked about the nightmares I said I still have vivid dreams but less nightmares. She said that was a good thing. I talked to her about going out of my house room. I said I made it to the coffee social today But I slept almost all day yesterday. We only talked for a few minutes. She said she will check back in a couple of weeks.

Then I had a delicious lunch They served two country fried steaks, potato wedges and a cup of orange sherbet. I called Chocolatechip. I told her about the talk with Dr Cosy. I was admonished for sugar coating. I said I really do feel better today. She said the staff treats me like shit. I’m also paranoid and don’t want to leav my room. I need to come clean with my doctor, she said. I honestly thought I was getting better.

I was just asked twice if I wanted to go to the picnic. I said no. I’m afraid of doing my business . I usually have a major bm this time. I don’t want to do that in public! If this makes me anti social then so be it. Besides, I’d rather be in my room reading my book.

Speaking of books I found a bargain book for $1.99. I bought The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy. Any day I find  a good book at a bargain is a good day.

3:48p.m. I’ve been reading “Rattlesnakes” all afternoon. All I want to say is it is a hell of a good ghost story. I think this is turning out to be the scariest story in the whole book. It is set ina fictional location of rattlesnake key in Florida. It is about a man vacationing in his friend’s mansion. It turns out that Vic Trenton is being haunted by two deead twins who died a long time ago I’m halfway through the story and it is so good.

Also, Chocolatechip and I had a “talk.” Once again I was admonished for sugar coating my situation to the doctor. She will give me one more chance to speak up. If I don’t she doesn’t want to hear about my problems in the nursing home. She said nothing will change if I don’t speak up, especially to my psych doctor.

I said I will speak up from now on. But frankly, I’m tired of speaking up because nothing ever changes. I voiced my concerns until I’m blue in the face. The last time was to the guy from the state. Things did get better for awhile. But now the aides are shitty again. I didn’t want to say this but I’ve given up complaining. However, I will speak my mind, especially to my doctor’s. Our “talk” sort of put a damper on an otherwise good day.

I want to get back to my story. But I’m afraid I can’t concentrate. I I can’t get over what Chocolatechip said. I listen to her shit all the damned time. It breaks my heart to hear how those bitches treat her. It breaks my heart to hear how she lets Eddie the  Mooch takes advantage of her. Frankly, I get tired of that but I never turn my back to her. I’m getting upset just thinking about it.

6:41p.m. Supper was good. I was served roast pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, broccoli florets, cornbread and sliced pears. The mashed potatoes were good this time. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We are cool after our talk. We didn’t talk too long. She wanted to go to bed so we said our goodbyes.

I’m still in my wheelchair. It has been twelve hours since I’ve been changed. I’m a bit soaked now. As usual the aides are taking care of dinner trays. It will be awhile before I get help. Once again I have ave to sit in my own filth. I’m used to it by now.

I’m not letting this minor inconvenience keep me from reading. I want to get back to my story. I’m halfway finished but I hope to get her done tonight. I’m hooked on this stupid story and eager to find out what happens to the main character Victor Trenton. I bet there will be a surprise and very strange ending.

9:22p.m. I was taken care of by 7:30. I had a very nice aide who changed me and  put me in bed. I have been reading “Rattlesnakes” ever since. It is one hell of a story. It is actally a sequel of sorts to an early King novel called Cujo. Part of it  tells what happened to Vic and Donna Trenton after the novel ends. In the end of the story Donna and their son Tad ate trapped in a hot car . Tad dies. I think in the story Tad comes back to help his father deal with the ghosts that are haunting him.

I have three more stories to go after “Rattlesnakes” I hope I can finish You Like it Darker tomorrow. I’m anxious to start on that John Grisham novel Camino Ghosts. 








































































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July 3, 2024

It’s not easy to live in a nursing home.  It’s really hard!  I think you are doing a great job of speaking up when appropriate and at the same time making the best of it.  I’m so glad you are doing better physically.  I wouldn’t want to go to the picnic either if I might have a big BM while there.  I completely understand why you feel the way you do.

July 3, 2024

@wildrose_2  Thank you my friend. I hope you are well today

July 3, 2024

@bear70 I’m doing well Bear, thank you.  Getting ready to bake some chicken for dinner and then I’m going to go for a walk.

July 3, 2024

sounds like good eating and reading. I’d like to try some of those meals, especially because I don’t think I’ve had mashed potatoes since… I don’t know when!

July 3, 2024

@ravdiablo  Meals are good here I highly recommend You Like it Darker. It has some very interesting stories