Wednesday 7/17/24

1:32a.m. I’m still awake. I’ve been listening to Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. All of a sudden I changed my mind. I wanted to hear an audiobook. 

10:35a.m. I had very bad night getting less.than four hours sleep. I could not sleep so I listened to Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. It wasn’t until 2:30 that I finially fell asleep. Then I had bad nightmares. I remember one dream where I lived in an orphanage. I was was sexually abused. I  had to do hard physical labor. Not only was I sexually assaulted but I was beaten for no reason.  I had similar dreams but this one stands out. 

I was up for good by 6:30. I wasn’t in the mood for coffee but I ate my breakfast. I had bacon and eggs and a coffee cake. I fell back to sleep. The aides woke me up to get me dressed and in my wheelchair by 9:30. I didn’t go to the coffee social but fell asleep in my chair.     

I feel like the I was hit by a truck. But I’m above the dirt. I read an article from the NYT news letter. The author seems to think Biden doesn’t stand a chance of getting elected. Most Democrats think he is too old for the job. Biden is way behind in the polls according to the article. I think I remember reading where 20 members of Congress have asked Biden to slept down. It was an interesting but depressing article.  

11:57a.m. I’ve been listening to a few articles from the NYT news letter. The last was on J D Vance. He came from nowhere to graduate from Yale law school.  Vance was a one time critic of Trump who called him an American Hitler . After reading the story I think Vance is a first class opportunist who goes with the wind.   

2:41p.m. I had deluxe macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream for lunch. I ate everything but the coffee stewed tomatoes. Lunch perked me up some. I read the NYT after I ate. I read several articles about politics. One article I read that scared me the most was Trump’s plans for a second term. After reading this I truly believe he wants to become a dictator. What scares me even more iis the Democrats don’t have to a chance in hell of winning. 

I enjoyed reading the Times. I love that paper. Chocolatechip went Kroger shopping so I had no interruptions. I felt pretty crappy but reading the paper for a couple hours made me feel better. I forgot about my problems buy getting lost in politics. Now I’m going to listen to my audiobook . Life is good

6: 25p.m. I enjoyed listening to Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I got through the first chapter . It took me almost two hours but it was very interesting. I also talked with Chocolatechip. She is slowly recovering from her depression. Chocolatechip was going to have lunch with Kathleen and her daughter Anne tomorrow. But she cancelled.  She just wasn’t up to it. She says she has an appointment to with Jessica on August 1.Perhaps some changes in her meds are in order. 

I talked about an article I saw in the Times. I saw this one headline where the Democrats  might be pulling back on nominating Biden. Over two thirds polled believe Biden must step down. It wouldn’t surprise me if if he does I said. But who will they pick? Probably Kamala Harris. I also said it doesn’t matter who gets the nod. I said Trump will win. I hope to God I’m wrong.

We talked politics, movies and music until they served supper. I had an Italian sub sandwich, lasagna, cucumber salad and a piece of angel food cake. I was hungry and ate it all. The lasagna didn’t make me sick. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked for about a half hour then we said our goodbyes.

I’ve been in my room all all day. I wasn’t feeling well in the morning. Then I got lost in the NYT and my audiobook. I will not stay up tonight.

9:00p.m. I was listening to my audiobook Vietnam:A History. I was finially put in bed. I’m tired but want to go on with my story. I hope to finish Chapter 2 












































































































































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ed up liste

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July 17, 2024

It’s the Democrats who got us into this mess: the leaders knew that Biden was deteriorating and the fact that he has done so out of site shows that they kept the news buried, instead of forcing him to contest his spot in the November election.

July 17, 2024

@ravdiablo  I agree but I’m still voting for him

July 17, 2024

@bear70 Hell yeah. But I won’t blame myself if he doesn’t win: the party shot themselves in their foot, not me.

July 17, 2024

Your dreams sound like what children are going through in Gaza. Praying for them. His help is all.

July 17, 2024
