Wednesday 6/5/24

10:38a.m. I had yet another night of weird dreams. I remember this one dream where I was dressed as a woman. It was weird.i was coming home from a support group meeting. With me were two friends who were also crossdressed. We were riding in a motorized wagon going through very dark and narrow passageways. At one! Point we came across a building blocking our way. A huge door opened and a giant of a man approached us. He was cussing and screaming at us treating to kill all three of us. I backed away from him. I don’t know how I got out of that mess. 

I was up and down all night from weird dreams. I was up for good by 7:00. I had good aides this morning. They got me dressed and in my wheelchair before breakfast. I had toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. The coffee was good and hot this time. I talked with Chocolatechip forma few minutes after I ate. Inspection is tomorrow and she will pass. 

The damned arthritis was bothering me again. My shoulders were killing me this morning. I slept in my wheelchair to escape the pain.l But I was up in time for the coffee social. I made my way to the Fiesta Room for coffee. I had a good time today. I didn’t hear anyone talking about me. I had one cup then Culleen came to take me to physical therapy.

I like doing PT. This time we are working on my legs. I did all my leg exercises and they didn’t hurt. When finished Culleen took me to my room. I called Chocolatechip. She was fixing an early lunch but we talked. Big thing is passing inspection tomorrow. Chocolatechip said shek is going to dust and go over everything today. She already did a load of laundry so she is caught up with that. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to get something to eat.

I feel pretty good now. Arthritis pain died down. I think moving around in PT helped with that. Like I always day use it or lose it. I didn’t read very much yesterday So I have a lot of cathing up to do. Life is good.

1:00p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for lunch. They served macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. I ate everything but the stewed tomatoes. I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip. We had a nice conversation for half an hour. She said she could come for a visit on the 24th. That would be great I said. I also  said you’re the only one who comes to see me. I don’t take that for granted.

I stopped at the business office on the way back. I found out I will have $50 available when they go Walmart shopping on the 12th. This means I can get another $50 Amazon gift card. I can get those three books by Stephen King, John Grisham and David Baldacci. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into them.

3:09p.m. I finished Chapter 5 in Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. I also talked with Chocolatechip. She is ready for the big showdown tomorrow. She said she was going to bed early at 5:00. She wants to get up early for inspection. I was talking about how I’ve been trying to get help since 1:00. Twice aides said they would be with me in a  few minutes. I’ve been sitting on this hoyer pad since 7:00 this morning. It is hurting my butt I said. I will be glad to get off this damned pad and into some dry briefs.

4:34p.m. I was getting very, very mad. I was waiting all afternoon to get put in bed and changed. The damned hoyer pad was killing me and I was sitting in urine all that time. The aide finially got to me at 4:00. I told her I kept my cool this time and did not yell. She said she doesn’t like it when I scream. She did a great job in getting me in bed. She washed my bottom and put cream on my butt. I was doing great for awhile then I peed myself again.

I was talking with Chocolatechip after the aide left. We talked about different topics. She went on about these two women, Patty and Jenn. Patty was all tears at the end of the month crying about not having food at the end of the month. Chocolatechip helped her out a bit. Now that Patty got her check she doesn’t know Chocolatechip. As for Jenn she is a real piece of work. Jenn was a member of the Bitch Clique. I don’t need to say anything else about her.

Anyway I said to Chocolatechip I don’t understand why woman have to be so catty and bitchy to each other. I said are they competing or just plain miserable souls. For some reason most of the women in Misery Towers are miserable souls or just plain jealous of Chocolatechip. They all like to give Chocolatechip a hard time. I tell her constantly she is a class act. Most of the others are old bar flys.

Well it is almost time for dinner drinks. The aide who put me in bed said there was no water. I hope they have the water turned on tonight. I want my juice and coffee.

5:57p.m. I had two pieces of breaded chicken, sweet potatoes, mixed veggies and pears for supper. I ate everything but the veggies. Supper was pretty good tonight. I had it on Channel 9 while eating. They had a segment on rising utilities. That is one thing I don’t have to worry about. Then there was a local drug bust. It looked like an older man was arrested. Then they talked about the weather. It’s going to rain tonight but we are in for a heat wave next several days. So much for the local news here in the Northern Panhandle of WV.

I hope to read Chapter 6 of Landscape Turned Red. I have another book already lined up. It is another Civil War book Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. This  is an audiobook.  I can’t wait to get started.

7:50p.m. I am making slow progress in my book but I’m making progress. I’ve been reading about the opening moves in the battle of Antietam. This has been a very interesting and exciting read. I can just picture the battle as the author describes the fierce and bloody fighting.  This is a very good book. Got to get back with it.

9:41p.m. I’m almost finished with Chapter 6. I’m tired now but can’t sleep. I had too much coffee I guess. I want to finish that damned chapter. But I’m having trouble concentrating because I’m so tired. I’m going back to my book













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June 6, 2024

Hey Bear, I stumbled across your diary during the pandemic. It was a very isolating time in my life and rarely slept. I found a lot of solace reading your entries. They were such a healthier distraction from the trauma in my life than the vices I knew. Thank you for writing and allowing me to peak in from afar. I was taking care of my mom who was dying at the time. She’s gone now, has been for over a year. I wanted to tell you that I’m so glad to see that you are still here.

June 6, 2024

@waxedandpolished Thank you for such a nice note