Wednesday 6/19/24

10:35a.m. I had a bad night. I had one friggin nightmare after another.. Then they left the a/c on and I was so damned cold. I was also soaked and couldn’t reach the call light. I was up for good by 6:00. I called Chocolatechip and we talked for a few minutes. 

Breakfast was skimpy again. I had toast, scrambled eggs and a banana. I ate it all and didn’t get sick. I started to listen to Team of Rivals . i began at chaptet 20.I listened for about an hour. Then Chocolatechip called. She was getting ready for her trip to Walmart She said Jenn approached her. Jenn offered a peace offering. I said that was nice. I hope those two can bury the hatchet. We talked for a long time.   Then she had to go. 

I missed the coffee social . The aides didn’t come for  me until 9:45. It took them awhile to get me hooked up to the hoyer. They wanted to try a new kind of hoyer pad. I didn’t trust it so they switched to the old one. All of this took extra time. My motto is better safe than sorry. But I’m dressed and in my wheelchair    

12:02p.m. I’ve been struggling to stay awake while listening to my audiobook. I cannot function without two or three coffees in the morning. They will be serving lunch drinks soon. The wait seems like an eternity. Damn I wish I had some coffee. Back to my book. 

1:01p.m. I’m feeling better thanks to a good lunch. They served two slices of pepperoni pizza, cucumber salad and two chocolate chip cookies. I also had a glass of juice and a cup of coffee. I still feel very tired and my shoulders ache. But at least I know I’m above the dirt thanks to coffee.  

2:00p.m. I’m feeling a bit better thanks to physical therapy. Darla came for after lunch. I didn’t want to go at first. I said to her every bone in my body aches. But I was a real trooper . She wheeled me to the gym.

The workout itself is not hard. I move my legs. I do three sets of fifteen on  both legs. I do kicking, marching, side to side and a ankle exercises. The hard part is moving my bad left leg. That is very painful. But I got her done. The whole workout takes forty minutes. Then Darla wheeled me back to my room.    

I’m so glad I went. Moving those muscles a little bit did a world of good. I’m not exactly ready to take on the world but I feel awake now. I think I can better concentrate on my book.      

3:22p.m. The aides put me in bed around 2:30. I was glad because I hurt all over. But she put my briefs on too tight. They were rubbing the sores on my right side. It was very very painful She came back and adjusted the briefs but I’m still in pain. 

I’ve been listening to my audiobook Team of Rivals . I’m trying to get through Chapter 21. But I’ve been in too much pain to concentrate. Also I have been interrupted by phone calls from Chocolatechip . She was talking about Dr Phil. He had those two grifters on again. I’m afraid I wasn’t in a very good mood because of the pain so she said goodbye.   

I’m ok now. The pain had subsided. I’ll give my book another try.      

6:23p.m. I had baked fish, fried potatoes, blended vegetables and jello for supper. It was delicious and I ate it all. Best part was I didn’t get sick. 

I haven’t been listening to my book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I’ve been talking a lot with Chocolatechip. I would rather talk with a pretty woman than read a dull history book.We talked a long time before and after supper. After supper Chocolatechip was singing country music songs she picked up from YouTube. She has a beautiful singing voice and I love to hear her sing. This went on for half an hour then she went to bed. Chocolatechip has been up since 3:00 this morning . She was tired. 

Nighttime is a good time for reading. There are no disturbances.  I hope I can get through at least one more chapter tonight. I’m almost finished with Team of Rivals. I have five more chapters to go. I should be done with it by Friday. Next up is a collection of short stories by Stephen King You Like it Darker. I can’t wait to get started on this one.    




























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June 19, 2024

Your day is most definitely off to a bad start.  I’m sorry Bear.  I hope you get some coffee soon.  And that it is hot.

June 19, 2024

@wildrose_2 Thanks for reading me. It did get better

June 20, 2024

Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time, but I understand nightmares can be lousy. Whenever I have a bad dream, I can’t go right back to sleep. I need to watch a tv show or a movie to get my mind off of it or I’ll have the dream again. Usually that does the trick for me. Reading less Stephen King might help out too…