Wednesday 6/12/24

7:15a.m. I had a pretty good night. I remember one dream where I was in a car with three men. They were former teachers. I was sitting in the back seat. I do not know why but I started yelling and cussing at the man sitting next to me. I think he was my accounting teacher from Jeff Tech. I called him every name in the book I just remember that one dream.    

The aides woke me up for good at 7:00. They did a good job. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair. I had my morning drinks of coffee and juice. Then they served two small omelettes and a sweet roll. I called Chocolatechip. We talked for a few minutes then she had to put in a work order.

I feel pretty good today. I’m glad I’m dressed and in my wheelchair. I hope I hope this would be another good one.

10:38a.m. I am having a great day so far. I listened to Chapter 3 in Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin for an hour. I am having a great time listening to this book! After that I made it to the coffee social. I had a good time and stayed longer than usual.Best part was I didn’t hear my name mentioned or anyone talking about me. I had an extra cup of coffee then made my way back to my room.

Chocolatechip called when I got back. She was doing laundry. Chocolatechip also did her regular chores. She said she doesn’t need or want a caregiver. I said I think you’re doing great without one. Then she said she was invited to ya birthday party Saturday I said great.  We talked about upcoming appointments for twenty minutes then she had to check on her laundry.

I have today’s menu. For lunch they are serving country fried steak, seasoned potato wedges, a dinner roll and fruit sherbert. For dinner they are having chicken Dijon, broccoli florets, corn bread and sliced pears.   

12:48p.m. I didn’t go back to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I listened to my audiobook. I paused it while I ate a delicious meal. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. She tracked her payment. The collection agency received the money order. I said that collection agency was trying to scam you. She also finished her laundry. We talked for a few minutes then she had to make a phone call. 

2:57p.m. I’m in bed. I was soaked and needed my briefs changed. I didn’t have too long a wait today.The aide was friendly and did a good job. I called Chocolatechip when I got in bed. We only talked a few minutes. She had a dish of macaroni salad for an early supper. So she wanted to wash a few dishes. I’m going back to my book now.       

6:11p.m. I listened to my audiobook Team of Rivals all afternoon. Then I received my $50 Amazon gift card! I loaded it onto my account and immediately spent most of it. I bought four books: 

  1. You Like it  Darker by Stephen King    $14.99
  2. Camino Ghosts by John Grisham.          $14.99
  3. The Edge by David Baldacci.                   $14.99
  4. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.      $2.99

Total cost  was $47.96. I have $2.04 left. I want expecting the gift card today. 

I talked with Chocolatechip. She called her case manager. Betty Jo will be able to bring her for a visit on June 24 at 8:30. I can’t wait to see her. Also a family member is picking her up for the get together on Saturday. Then we talked about a sore subject. Dr Phil had a 45 year old man still living at home. That could of been me I said. Chocolatechip said I got past that and learned to be self sufficient. I said I did everything I knew how to get any kind of job. I also said sometimes I think my parents didn’t want me to be on my own or capable of taking care of myself. Eventually I did prove them wrong . I was a very late bloomer I said. 

She talked about her appointments tomorrow. Chocolatechip sees her therapist early in the morning. Then Betty Jo is taking her to Walmart in the afternoon. She said she has a lot to discuss with her therapist. Then she talked about Eddie the Mooch. She is totally fed up with him. Good. I hope she means it this time. Since she had an early appointment we ended our talk early. She signed off at 5:30.    

I ate all my supper after we talked. The chicken was ok. But they really do need to work on the mashed potatoes. They potatoes were a bit runny, cold and had no taste. But I ate them without complaining. I figure I’m lucky to have three meals a day. 

I don’t know what’s going on with my roommate. He was gone when I came back from the coffee social. I haven’t seen him all day. I still don’t think he is back. Maybe they don’t want him sleeping in his bed all day. 

Also, I was supposed to have physical therapy this afternoon. But I had a bad accident and was soaked. The aide put me in bed and changed my briefs by 2:30. Scott, from PT, came just after I was all settled in bed. He said they will see me tomorrow. 

Well another day in the nursing home had come to an end. I had a good day. Care was ok and the food good. I got my $50 Amazon gift card and bought books. I talked with Chocolatechip. I had a good time listening to my audiobook. I have nothing to bitch about today. Life is very good.       

8:45p.m. I have been listening to my audiobook Team of Rivals . I got through Chapter 4. I’m very tired now and am about to call it a night. But I need my briefs changed. I’m soaked. I’ve been trying to get changed for the last two hours. I would not like to fall asleep in dirty briefs  

I’m glad I got those books. I’m strongly tempted to drop Team of Rivals in favor of Stephen Kiing and John Grisham. But I hate not to finish a book I started. Besides. I’m enjoying Team of Rivals and I want to finish it. It will be hard but I will stick with Doris Kearns Goodwin . Once again I’m torn between two loves.    

Also my roommate is lying in his bed. I just heard him cry out for a pain pill. I hope I didn’t disturb him by playing my audiobook too loud.






























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