Wednesday 5/22/24

4:45a.m. I just woke up from a crazy dream. I was sleeping with a Black woman. All of a sudden I had a knock on my door. My whole family was in my living room. My mother was crying. My father was yelling at me for sleeping with a Black lady. He called her her the nasty N woman.

I yelled back at them. We got in a terrible fight. The lady came out of the bedroom. She looked at my parents then left. I continued to yell back at my family. They had no right in coming into my apartment like they did. 

Just then there was a note on my door. It was signed by other tenants in the building. They were going to have me evicted. The excuse was I kept a dirty nap apartment. Someone did trash my kitchen. There was grease everywher. I started to clean but I couldn’t get it clean in time. Inspection was in the morning. I  woke up trying to get grease off the stove.

The aides came in soon after I woke up. . They changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair. I’m kind of glad to be up this early after that crazy dream.

I do not have a phone in my room. I went to the nurse’s station to call Chocolatechip. She had a bad night ad well. Chocolatechip had a dream about Tim the Perv have. I said I can’t get him doing. Chocolatechip said he was very sick in the end going in and out of the hospital. I think it is a shock to me because we were the same age. I’m wondering how much time I have left. We talked about Tim for awhile then she had to go.

I keep thinking about him. I remember the time Chocolatechip and I helped Tim move to another apartment. Then there were the times I’d see him in the downtown Weirton library.  We both were pretty active back then. I’d see him walk all over downtown Weirton.Damn Tim sad only 72. That is still young these days.

So many people I knew are gone. My brother and sister are gone. Both parents are long dead. Friends I knew from high school are a also gone. Yet I’m still alive and kicking. Sometimes I wonder why.

8:35p.m. I had a skimpy breakfast of a sweet roll and scrambled eggs. It was ok. Then I had two cups of hot coffee and two glasses of orange juice. Then I took my Kindle to the Coral Room and read To the Gates of Richmond . I read for about an hour. I was reading about the Army of the Potomac’s glacial advance to the Chicahominay river. This was Chapterk 5 of the book.

I’m in a good mood this morning. The extra coffee I had with breakfast worked wonders. Since I’m in my wheelchair I’d like to head on down to the Fiesta Room for more coffee. I might as well take my tablet and read for awhile. I can finish Chapter 5.

10:07a.m. I’m making my rounds today. I made it to the Fiesta Room for another coffee. I brought my tablet with me and finished Chapter 5 in my book. I was doing great after being fortified with plenty of coffee. But while I was reading I got so depressed and lonesome I wanted to talk with Chocolatechip it l I still have no phone. The feeling of sadness was very intense but short lived. I’m ok now.

I’m back in my room. I can’t stand being in this room. It seems so small. I start to feel very claustrophobic. They told me will be on this side o ly for the night. But the day is almost half over and I’m still here. Grr!

12:00p.m. I’ve been listening to old time country music for about an hour. I started to get very depressed again. But the music chased away the blues. I’m back in the Fiesta Room waiting for lunch . I’m having a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches . I stopped at the nurse’s station to call Chocolatechip. She was probably outside or washing clothes. I’ll try again after lunch.

I listened to music most of the morning. I’ll read my book this afternoon.i want to start and finish chapter 6

12:59p.m. Lunch was skimpy. I had one grilled cheese sandwich, potato wedges and orange sherbert. I ate it all then made it back to my room. Again I tried calling Chocolatechip but no answer. We haven’t talked since early this morning. Another reason why I hate my room.

It looks like I’ll be in this room for some time. I was used to the old place so I am hoping this is temporary. What I hate most about it is lack of s phone. I can’t talk with Chocolatechip and this is killing me. They should provide a damned phone. I feel so lost and cut off from the world.

2:23p.m. I finially talked with Chocolatechip. She had a very busy day. Her case manager took her to the Urban  Mission early in the morning. They very very busy. She was there for a couple hours. Then she did a load of laundry when she got back Then Chocolatechip went over everything for inspection. Next project is the ceiling fan. She will do that tomorrow. She plans on doing the bathroom over the weekend plus mop the floor. After that she will be ready. I feel better after talking to my girlfriend.    

I started listening to music before our talk. I was feeling like crap all afternoon. I listen to music to escape from my worries. I listened to all the country greats on YouTube. Thank God I have that Bluetooth speaker and tablet. I use both to get lost in music and books. I’d be one miserable old fart without them.

But I didn’t know do much reading today. Emotions were running rampant.  I felt high one minute then down the next. Consequently I couldn’t concentrate very well . I did manage to finish chapter 5. I hope to finish the next chapter tonight. I think I can do it now that mind have has settled.

5:36p.m. Yay! I’m back in my old room!  The bad need is I still have no phone. Also they can’t find the tv remote. Still it feels good to be back. I just had a skimpy supper. They served pot roast and mashed potatoes with gravy and broccoli florets.  I also had a dinner roll and pears for dessert. It was ok and I ate it all without getting sick.

I’m still in my chair. I haven’t been changed in over twelve hours. I’m kind of dirty down there and a bit smelly.  But for some reason I’m not too eager for bed. I feel round up right now. It’s been like that all day au.k I got extremely anxious then I crashed only to anxious again. Maybe I had too much coffee. I had five cups today.

I hope I can settle down with and read tonight. I’d like to finish that damned chapter in To the Gates of Richmond. Life is good.

7:13p.m. All is right with the world. I’m in bed. I found the remote. All I need is the phone to be connected. I have been reading about the battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks. This was fought I think on May 31 1862 along the banks of the Chickahominy river. It is described in detail in the book. I hope I can finish Chapter 6









































































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May 22, 2024

Glad you’re having a good Wednesday, Bear!

May 22, 2024

@ravdiablo yeah it’s ok I hope you have a good day

May 23, 2024

I feel your frustration Bear. Maybe you’re still here to learn patience. Really, though, I get the sense you’re a kind and considerate person. It’s hard to be patient. I am very much struggling with this myself right now. I don’t want the time to just pass..what’s the point of that? We are here for some reason, perhaps. Maybe not. As my husband says, none of us asked to be here and we’re all going to die.. ok he’s got a dark sense of humour, but that’s one way for a veteran to make it through some dark nights.

May 24, 2024

@novilight Thanks for such a nice note.