Wednesday 4/6/22

7:44am I made it through the another lousy night. I had the usual problems. Arthritis pain was very bad. I also had incontinence and diaharrea problems. As usua. Then I had nightmares and woke up screaming a couple times. After that the second time I couldn’t get back to sleep. I couldn’t get much help. I think an aid came to change me around two. She didn’t come back until six in the morning to get me in my chair.

I had such a bad night I was glad to get out of bed. I sat in my wheelchair until breakfast. For breakfast I had had hot cereal, two slices of toast and an eggs. Break was good and I ate it all. I feel ok now that I had something substantial to eat.

While eating breakfast lady came in to speak with me. She was one woman who promised to bring in a charger for my new tablet. She brought two of them and neither one worked. I talked her for her efforts. I asked how am I going to get a new charger? She said have tried talking with anyone from the nursing home? I said I’ve been trying to talk with a social worker. She said she will try to find somebody today

In the meantime the old tablet is working fine. I am a bit proud of myself. I had a B&N Nook app on the old device. It would not support audiobooks. I had to figure out that I had to download and install the latest version. I did this and after working out a few bugs I can now listen to audiobooks. Sonow I can do everything on the old tablet that I could on the new.

I bought a couple of audiobooks last night. One is by James Patterson The President is Missing. The second is a Stephen King novel, Rose Madder I read Rose Madder a long time ago but it is worth a second read I also bought an ebook James Madison and the Struggle for the Bill of Rights by Richard Labunsky. I think this makes eighteen books this month.

Well, no more books until May. I’m definitely broke. But the rent is paid and I have everything I need. Life is good.

6:37pm I had a good afternoon. Lunch was great. I had chicken. Mashed potatoes and zukinni. I had two cups of hot coffee and a glass of fruit punch. I had ambrosia for desert. Lunch perked me up and put me in a good mood.

I bought at least five more books this afternoon. Now I’m really broke. Like I keep saying I have the rent paid and all my expenses are covered. I love books so what the heck? I will get around to reading them it might take awhile but I read every darn one of them.  I have nothing else to do but sit on my butt and read.

I did a lot of reading today. I read my book FDR:The Fox and the Lion by James MacGregor Burns. I’m almost finished with this book I think I have three more chapters. Next up is volume Ii in the series FDR: Soldier of Freedom. This book is about Roosevelt during WWiI. I thoroughly enjoyed theses books and give the author a five star rating.

I read a couple hours then chatted with Chocolatechip until supper. I was a bit hungry because I didn’t get supper until after six. I had a dotdog, baked beans and two cookies. I drain one cup of cold coffee. I shouldn’t have eaten the bake beans because they give me the runs. I hope I will be ok.

This was a fairly good day. I had three decent meals. I got good care. I was able to buy more books. I did not experience arthritis please ain nor did I have too many incontinence episode. It was a very good day



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April 6, 2022

Does the charger that came with your new tablet not charge your old one?

As long as your rent is paid and you have books to read and listen to it’s okay that you are broke 🙂

April 9, 2022

That’s what I say, after you pay your rent and other expenses, if you have money left why not spend it on books.  Books bring you great joy and give you something to do.  And just think of all you learn in the process!