Wednesday 4/17/24

7:49a.m. I am above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home. I had some weird dreams last night. In one dream I had two a cat. She couldn’t leave me alone . Then she started going around in circles. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. It turinns out she was pregnant. All of a sudden a litter of kittens popped out.   

Then I had a dream about my old boss from Eagle Manufacturing. I was asking him for a reference. I  was saying I was graduating from Jeff Tech in six months. I told him about the classes I took and the projects I worked on. I mentioned howl I did a payroll program on a spread sheet. I said I’d like to get some kind of office job.      

But he was reluctant to provide a reference. He said I had a lousy work record. He suggested a few places in Wellsburg. One was being a waiter in a restaurant. Then another cleaning restrooms. I said I worked too hard to go back to manual labor. 

I was up for good at seven o’clock. I had a blueberry muffin and cold scrambled eggs. At least the coffee was hot. I ate breakfast and got very bloated Grr!

I called Chocolatechip. She cancelled with her case manager. She had a bad case of diarrhea. . We didn’t have much to say this morning so we said our goodbyes. Grr!   

9:01a.m. I’m up and in my wheelchair. The aides were nice and did a good job . I’m still bloated but the pain isn’t as bad. Pain level is a 3 on a 1 – 10 scale. My stomach feels very queezy.    

I would like to call Chocolatechip.  But I got a bit of a scolding for calling three times already. She said her phone rings loud . She wad afraid I’d wake up people and they would complain. She will call Mel when she feels better. So I’m not calling. But it is damned if I do and damned if I don’t.  

I just got my menu. For lunch I’m having  country fried steak, potato wedges, and green beans. For dinner it’s cranberry glazed chicken, brussel, dressing and a caramel apple upside down cake. I hope I don’t get sick.    

11:29 a.m. All I had to eat were a few scrambled eggs and a blueberry muffin. My belly has been hurting ever since. Fortunately, I’ve been sleeping in my wheelchair.    

1:34p.m. I ate the steak I had for lunch and some of the potatoes. I stopped when I started to get that full feeling. I was afraid of getting sick. But everything went down and I’m ok. I talked with Chocolatechsip after lunch. She was in a much better mood. She is going shopping after all. Case manager is taking her at 2:00. The doctor’s appointment she had this afternoon was cancelled.  Getting groceries is more important I said. 

I was a bit on the cranky side this morning. I had some Mylanta before lunchtime. That settled my stomach. I also finially got some ice water. I was without water all morning. Chocolatechip had to call the nurse who brought me water and Mylanta. I’m in a much better mood since I’m not having stomach pain.   

I was talking to Chocolatechip about that. There has to be something wrong. I get belly pain almost anytime I eat. Chocolatechip said at one point I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I said that does sound familiar. Whatever jt . is it must be getting worse. So much pain plus pain when I have a bm or pass gas is not normal.     

I’m going to read my book We’ve Got Issues. I didn’t think I’d like this book. But I read the Forward and the first chapter last night. First chapter was very interesting. I changed my mind. 

3:35p.m. I’m back in bed. The aides put me in bed an hour ago. I have been reading We’ve Got Issues . I read the second chapter. This is turning out to be very interesting. I also called Chocolatechip. She was still out shopping. I also have been looking at books. I have three books lined up for May. This is when I’ll be getting $50 Amazon gift cards. 

6:12p.m. I had a pleasant afternoon reading We’ve Got Issues by Phil McGraw, Ph.D. I read until it was time for supper. I ate two chicken sandwiches. I’m a bit bloated but not too bad. I’d rate the pain between a 3 and a 4. Tonight is bingo night at Misery Towers.  Chocolatechip said she would give it a try. I’m proud of her for making the effort. 

Morning was rough because of belly pain. But the afternoon was pain free. I indulged in some reading therapy. I’m proud of myself. I’ve read 82 straight days. Four days and I will break my all time high of 85 straight days. I’m also on my 13th book so far. My reading goal is set to 30 books. Knowing I’m slowly reaching this silly goal made me feel good about myself.    

I hope Chocolatechip has a good time at bingo tonight. I’ll be surprised if she does. She always gets upset whenever she does go. I hope this time will be different. She said to me she can always get up and leave if anyone gets smart with her. I hope it goes well. 


































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April 17, 2024

Ah, the small pleasures in life: it’s amazing how a hot cup of coffee can make us happy in the morning.

April 17, 2024

@ravdiablo There is nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning