Wednesday 2/14/24

9:53p.m.i had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. The nursing home transported me to the Trinity Pain Center in Toronto, Ohio. I talked with a doctor Davis. She prescribed some meds for arthritis. I said I don’t any want anything addicting. She said they all could be addicting. But given my history of no alcohol or drug use, I am at a very low risk of becoming a junkie. I begged to differ but she was a so called expert. If the meds now on eleminate the awful pain I’ll take the risk.

I was at this so called center all morning . But they got me back in time for lunch. I chatted with Chocolatechip. She used to be an LPN so she knows her stuff. She said that pain meds could make me sleep all the time. She also pointed out I was addicted to nicotine. She was worried I might end up a junkie. Chocolatechip knew people who became junkies after being put on pain pills.

We chatted about this for awhile. I assured her my meds will be monitored by the nurses. But she was still skeptical about that. Again I said the pain gets so bad at times I’m willing to take the risk. We ended our chat when they put me to bed for an x ray of my bad knee. This was around 2:30. I opted to stay in bed.

I spent the rest of the day reading Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I finished  very interesting book. I am a Dem but always voted for what I thought to be the best man.   I voted for George Bush in 2000 and 2004. I voted for McCain in 2008, Obama in 2012 and Clinton in 2016. But I swear after Trump I will never vote Republican again. The book I just finished confirms my suspicions about Trump and the Republican party. I recommend this book to anyone.

I started to read Landslide:  The Final Days of the Trump Administration by Michael Wolf. I didn’t get very far because I chatted a good bit with Chocolatechip. She is having a lot of problems with that crooked corispondence school SCI and Comcast. As of last night SCI is claiming she owes them $638, the full price of the course she didn’t agree on. She is going to seek legal counsel and contacted the state AG office. We both think SCI doesn’t have a leg to stand on. But we chatted a long time about it then she went to bed. I soon followed.

I was pretty tired so I had a good night. I also received good care. The aide came in to change me at least three times. They woke me up at five.  I got a good sponge bath and was in my wheelchair in no time. I went to the nurse’s station to call Chocolatechip. She was up a good bit worrying about her legal problems. We talked for a while then I went back to my room. I fell asleep and slept until they served drinks and breakfast.

4:26p.m. Depression hit me big Tim e this is afternoon. For one thing I e been without a phone for almost a week. The is has put a damper in my relationship with Chocolatechip. Based on our last chat session I think trouble in paradise is brewing. It didn’t start out too friendly but I thought it ended on a happy note. We scheduled another chat at 4. I got stood up. I’m very worried we are in for a major misunderstanding e cause of unreliable means of communication.

Then I did try to call her after lunch. They would not let me use the phone at the nurse’s station. Their excuse was they were still deealing with lunch trays. The aide who said this was very nasty . That encounter left a bad taste in my mouth all afternoon. I get so frigging tired with shitty attitudes from these so called CNAs

Consequently I didn’t get too far in my book Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency. I read abou the first thirteen pages. The author, Michael Wolff made Trump out to be a certifiable lunatic. But I had a hard time concentrating so I gave it up.  I was thinking about not having a phone .

I really feel cut off from the world with no phone or tv. I kept thinking about not having a phone. For a while my paranoia got the best of me. I was thinking that aide deliberately knocked over my phone. The idea was to keep me from talking to Chocolatechip. It sounds crazy to a normal person but that’s how I think at times. Sometimes I think I’m certifiable.

So today wasn’t a very good day thanks to depression, paranoia and no phone. I’m going to try and put all of this shit behind me. I want to enjoy supper and escape from reality through the wonderful world of books.











In p


























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