Wednesday 10/9/24

12:21a.m. The White House Years by Henry Kissinger have been keeping me up..I’ve been reading about  the SALT talks . There was considerable debate on how to proceed with the talks and what to offer the Soviets. It wD kind of complicated and hard to follow. I was half asleep while reading.

I’m also a bit wound up after reading all the comments from my last entry. I greatly appreciate everyone who left a note. I honestly think the care is getting better. I did get a nice shower last night. I also have plenty of books to read. I do not need more Amazon gift cards. I am doing fine.

5:47a.m. I finally got some sleep. I had a lot of weird dreams last night. In one dream I was living in Misery Towers. I was in one of the laundry rooms. Someone had upset my laundry detergent on the floor. Then they used a magic marker to write obscenities about me on the washer. I reported this to the Housing Authority but nothing was done about it it. Then they made me clean up the mess. I had other dreams.

I dreamt about an old girlfriend. She was a Black girl from Steubenville. That didn’t go over with my family . I was called the _ lover. Somebody called her that name one time. I was upset. I had yet another restless night.

I’m above the dirt . Again I had some great aides this morning. She gave me a nice sponge bath. She cleaned me up good changed my briefs got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I couldn’t ask for better care. Now all I need is a cup of hot strong and coffee for this to be another kick ass day.

7:54a.m. I talked with Chocolatechip for the longest time this morning. I had the best time with her. We talked about aot.of for different things. She talked about her dad. He retired from the Army. He was all over the place during his career. Then they ended up in Steubenville.  He worked for the local paper . I said I wished could have made a career in the Marines . But I could not make past boot camp. I did earn an Honorable discharge.

We had a great time on the phone. We were also joking. I said I had a lunch date with Kamala Harris. She picked me up in her limo.. I ruined the date though by peeing in the car. I also told her about my dreams and getting thirteen comments in yesterday’s entry. Chocolatechip said I live for comments. She is right about that. We talked until breakfast.They served scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and oatmeal cereal. The oatmeal was a bit runny but I ate it. Everything else was delicious.

10:18a.m. I think I really screwed up again. I might have to buy a new tablet next month. This one is not charging. I had my present tablet for a couple of years now. The battery might be dying on me. In any case instead of saving up for more books I’m going to buy a back up tablet in November. Provided of course the nursing home goes Walmart shopping and I can get a gift card.

I’ve been fooling around with my tablet, get it charged.  I just tried a new cord. It went up from 17-18%.Now it is at 19% So it might have been a bad connection.. Still I’m getting a back up tablet just to be on the safe side.

I s.till managed to go to the Fiesta Room for then coffee social. I felt a bit paranoid because I thought people were “talking” about me. But this didn’t stop me from having a good time. I Kindle with me and read my book while drinking a cup of hot coffee. I had one cup then made my way back to my room.

I’m having a good day other than worrying about the stupid tablet. I am having problems with incontinence this morning. It seems I’m peeing a lot. But I am getting great care. The aide came in before I went to the social. I was soaked already. But she cleaned me up changed my briefs and got me in my chair. Life is good.

12:24p.m. I got my tablet charging. It is working fine. After fixing the tablet I read The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I read for about an hour finishing the section on the SALT negotiations. I sometimes like to read allowed. I indulged myself since I was alone in so I finished a whole section reading allowed. I’m an odd duck.

I just had lunch. They served macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes and chocolate pudding. It was good except for the tomatoes.

1:24p.m. I’m in bed wearing dry briefs. I was soaked before lunch. But I had two nice aides who took great care of me. This is the third day in a row where I am receiving excellent care. I can’t get over the difference. Somebody must be looking out for me is all I know.

4:51p.m. I slept a lot this afternoon. I woke up when an aide came to change my briefs.  Then Chocolatechip called. She just got back from the doctor. She had a good report. She is going to order pizza from Dominos tonight. I wish I could have some . I could eat pizza seven days a week.

I had another good day at the nursing home. I received great care. Everyone has been so nice. I’m not used to this kind of treatment. Another good thing is my tablet is working fine. I’m still going to buy a tablet next month. It never hurts to have a back up.

8:50p.m. I’ve had been reading The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I’m on Chapter XIV. Here Kissinger writes about the never ending Mid East crisis. This is interesting stuff I’ll probably be reading this past midnight.

The care is still good. I was changed and cleaned up by 7:30. It is so nice not to have to lie in my own filth.






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23 hours ago

Hey Bear – that’s strange that so many people who are “brand new” to OD suddenly decided to write to you. Please be wary of them; I have a feeling some of them are “spam” accounts.

22 hours ago

@ravdiablo  Thanks for the warning. You might be right about them

9 hours ago


Really these new messages are genuinely honest with real support. This mans open diary was shared on tik tok and reached so many people who are interested in hearing your diary logs. But most of us from tik tok are a younger audience and arent familiar with this platform thats whys theres so many new accounts,( and you can only comment if you make an account)

We are all rooting for you Bear.But i do agree even with all this support theres still some people you have to be weary of

9 hours ago

Yeah, no: I went on TikTok and there’s nothing there remotely about him…..

2 hours ago

@ravdiablo  I don’t trust tik tok