Wednesday 1/24/24

7:53a.m. I had another bad night. I woke up from a terrible nightmare that I do not remember. I couldn’t get back to sleep. I was up for good at 3:00. I received decent care last night so I wasn’t laying in urine. The aides got me out of bed at 5:00. I was in my wheelchair by 5:30.

I sleep better in my wheelchair so I promptly fell asleep. I slept until drinks and breakfast. They served biscuits and gravy. It was delicious. The coffee was hot today. It somewhat woke me up

I was also talking with Chocolateschip. She decided not to take that course from Stratford Career Institute. I said I think that is a good idea. The monthly fees will take a big chunk out of your check. She said it wasn’t that . The course itself is a big commitment time wise and financially. Then she need to replace so many things she threw out because of bed bugs. It’s just not feasible. I agreed with her on that one.  

I briefly talked about my book The Firm. I said I am enjoying my book. I talked briefly about the story. Chocolatechip wasn’t too interested. She was glad I got some enjoyment  from it. Then I said three of my favorite authors are coming out with new books this summer David Baldacci , Stephen King and John Grisham. I can’t wait until I can buy them. We had a good conversation then she had to get ready for another appointment.

So, I’m above the dirt. I’m faced with yet another day in the nursing home. Life is good until I need my briefs changed.

9:54a.m. I am having a good day so far. I made it to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I’m having a good time. I read a chapter in The Firm and had a cup of coffee. A good book with good  coffee makes a great day.

11:52a.m. I did a lot of reading this morning . The Firm is getting very good. Mitch McDeere is getting wise to Bedinni, Lambert and Locke. He pa passed the bar exam with flying colors. Right away Mitch was approached  by an FBI agent, Wayne Terrance. The FBI has been interested in the firms for some time. The agent warned Mitch not to trust anyone in that place. He also said the firm bugged his house and car. They are also following his every move.

I read four chapters while at the Coffee Social. I am almost halfway finished. As I said John Grisham is one of my favorite authors. I cannot get enough of his works. I think The Firm is one of his best books.

I called Chocolatechip. She had an appointment with her foot doctor. Shek said everything is ok. She had to wait a half hour for a ride home but it wasn’t cold. After her appointment she is going to wash  her bedding she said. We talked for a few minutes then she had to get busy.

They will be serving lunch soon. Today it is country fried steak with mushroom gravy, potato wedges, green beans a dinner roll and pineapple titbits. This sounds delicious and I can’t wait.

4:30p.m. I had a good afternoon. The aides put me in bed around 3:00. I talked with Chocolatechip before Dr Phil came on. Then I read The Firm for an hour. I called Chocolatechip after at 4:00. She said Dr Phil had another catfish story. This one was a woman scammer who believed her own lies. Chocolatechip also said not taking that course was a good idea. I said they are just after your money. She agreed with me on that. She said if you are on a fixed monthly income it isn’t a good idea to take on additional expenses. I agreed. We talked for about a half hour.

Lunch was delicious. I had two big pieces of country fried steak. I hate most of it then got bloated. I didn’t eat my veggies. I had to go to the nurse’s station for Mylanta. After that my stomach settled down.

Well that about covers my afternoon. My life is so friggin boring.All I do is sit in my wheelchair and read books. If I’m not reading I’m looking at books. I’m obsessed with books.

6:24p.m. I just had two pieces of baked chicken. dressing. brussel sprouts and a caramel upsidedown cake for supper. It was delicious and I ate every bite. I talked briefly with Chocolatechip. She was about ready for bed so we said our goodbyes.

I had a very good mood day. I didn’t suffer from arthritis. I received halfway decent care. I had three good meals. I talked with Chocolatechip a lot. I did a lot of reading and had plenty of coffee. I guess at my age it doesn’t get any better.



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January 24, 2024

I’m glad to hear your day is going pretty well so far, Bear. Savor it!

January 24, 2024

@ravdiablo I hope you had a good day . Take care