Wednesday 1/10/24

5:55a.m. I was in my wheelchair until after nine last night. I laid in bed reading my NIV Study Bible. I have read six chapters in Deuteronomy. I have four more to go and I will start on Joshua next. I finially fell asleep at 10:30.    

I slept well with no weird dreams or nightmares. I remember having this one dream about the people I knew from day treatment. We were on this camping trip sitting around a campfire telling stories. It was my turn and I said ok group is over. Everyone thought that was funny and burst out laughing. It wasn’t scary, just kind of strange.

The aides let me sleep until 5:30 this morning. They were not too friendly and a bit rough. But they got me cleaned up, dressed and in my wheelchair. So I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day.

9:20a.m. I’m off to a good start. I knocked over my oj spilling it everywhere. Then the coffee was cold but I drank it. I had cold pancakes and scrambled eggs but I ate them. Something tells me this is not going to be a good day.

I talked with Chocolatechip. She was in good spirits. We  talked about different things for awhile. She hasn’t seen any bed bugs in a few days. She isn’t answering her door or letting people in her apartment. I can can’t blame her one bit. Chocolatechip went on to say how she can’t afford to be replacing everything.She said she spent at least $75 on her last trip to Walmart. So she is continuing to bed e hyper vigilant. We talked for awhile then she wanted to get busy. 

Lynn from PT came. She took me to the gym. I had a nice time  and a good workout. I did the usual arm exercises. We started talking about Amazon. Having some bad experiences with a few orders Lynn is not a fan. I said I bought a lot of stuff from them and never had a problem. Someone did steal a vacuum sweeper but they replaced it. But you do have to be very careful with shopping online.

PT lasted almost an hour. Lynn pushed me to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. She was doing laundry. She talked about this one couple who were paying  for all new furniture. They had to get rid of everything because of bed bugs. They are fed up and about ready to call Charleston if it happens again. Imagine having to get rid of new furniture that you are making payments on.

I am having a good day after all. I’m enjoying a second cup of coffee. I had a run in with a nasty aide this earlier. She was totally disrespectful almost yelling at me and calling me by my last name. But that doesn’t bother me. Such behavior is par for the course. 

2:43p.m. I did a lot of reading this morning. I finished Deuteronomy Deuteronomy and read the first four chapters of Joshua. Then I had a talk with my Psychiatrist before lunch. I told her I’ve been having a good day today. Also, I was in my wheelchair all day yesterday. I said I’ve been doing a lot of reading both Stephen King and my Bible. She said that was a good balance. I then told her about reading the Bible one hour every day. She asked if I’ve been going to the Social. I said I was there today and had two coffees. Then she asked about my plans for the day. I said to chase the girls up and down the hall. We ended our talk when they brought lunch trays.

I had two slices of pizza for lunch. But I was disappointed. I was expecting cucumber salad. I got a bowl of peas. Peas just doesn’t go with pizza. They also served chicken noodle soup and vanilla ice cream. I didn’t eat the soup because it was cold. But I ate the ice cream. Ice cream goes good with anything. I loved the pizza but didn’t care for the soup or peas.

The nasty aide came in after I ate lunch. She wanted to put me to bed and change my briefs. I wasn’t ready for bed but I needed changed. So I let her put me to bed today. She did a good job and I was starting to like her. Then she carelessly knocked my one working tablet off the table. It didn’t break but I was a pissed just the same. She should of apologized. 

I talked with Chocolatechip after I was put in bed. She was thinking about taking a senior care course from Stratford Career Institute.  They wanted $20 down payment. She didn’t have the money I suggested she needed other things first such as a new keyboard or a blanket. But I also said you do good when you take those courses. I also said perhaps you  can take it next month. We talked then she wanted to call her daughter Anne. 

Well, I’m in bed for the day. I’m glad because I was starting to hurt. I can only take that damned hoyer pad for so long. I’m going to spend the rest of the afternoon reading the Dark Tower. I told my psych doctor I’m obsessed and burned out with this story.

6:05p.m. I was talking with Chocolateschip a lot so I didn’t read this afternoon. We were on and off the phone for almost two hours. In between I just couldn’t get into my book. I laid in bed waiting for supper in between conversations. They served country smothered chicken, mashed potatoes with poultry gravy, mixed veggies and ambrosia for dessert. The chicken was delicious but the potatoes were cold. I ate most of it and it went right through me.

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She wanted to go to bed early. We said our goodbyes for the night. I’m definitely going to tackle that Stephen King book. I’ll read until either I or the battery conks out.






















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