Tuesday 9/5/23

3:05a.m. I got the , Stephen King book Holly. At first I had problems with Amazon. The tried to bill my credit card and it was declined. I had to resubmit the order using my gift card. Anwaysnit is in my library. Yay!

I don’t know when I’m going to get to it. I started reading Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787. I read two chapters.  This another good book I want to read. I hate not finishing a book I started  So I will stick with this one. I have two new books for September thanks to Chococolatechip.

5:00a.m. I’m above the dirt and on my wheelchair. I feel pretty good. I had some weird dreams. I am thankful I do not remember them.But I still had a good night Also,I had decent care.i wasn’t lying in urine half the night. Best part was I had no pain.  Aides were nice when they got me up. I got cleaned up and my briefs were changed. This is going to be a good day.

I don’t want to stay in bed and sleep all day I will ant to go to the coffee social today.  I also want to read and talk with Chococolatechip. In short I want to live my life and get the most I can from each day. 

8:59a.m. I had toast and eggs for breakfast. I also had my coffee and orange juice. The coffee didn’t do the trick today.I was very tired and slept in my wheelchair. I’m just waking up.  I  hope to get to the Coffee Social. 

I managed to call Chococolatechip. I talked with her around 7 this morning. She was busy getting ready for a doctor’s appointment. I  asked about her nicotine cravings.Shebsaod she didn’t have any Those nicotine lossengers really work she hen I told her I got the new Stephen King books. I said I really appreciate those those two books you bought me with the Amazon gift card. Chococolatechip  said  more will be coming  but not this month. 

I went back to sleep. I sure have been sleeping a lot lately.. I slept for two hours after breakfast. I got up just a lil little bit ago. Oh well, there isn’t much to do in a nursing home besides reading and sleeping. I think I’m going read until the Coffee Social. 

1:12p.m.  I read my book Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier for about an hour. Then Chococolatechip called She got back from her outing. She sent to FP and turned in her letter from Social Security . Chococolatechip said her doctor cancelled at the last minute. She talked about cleaning out kitchen cabinets and doing her daily housework chores. We talked for a few minutes because I had to go to the coffee social.

I had a good time. They gave me three cups of coffee and a glass of chocolate milk.  I did a lot of reading while there. I read there chapters in my book. I also chatted with Chococolatechip on Messenger. She was telling me that three people got evicted from Overbrook. We also chatted about moving them they served lunch. 

Lunch was delicious! I had two slices of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy., brussel sprouts, a dinner roll and  a peach cobbler with whipped topping. I ate it all I and did not get bloated. . But ,once again I had an accident.  It didn’t leak out and nobody noticed. I still felt embarrassed and pushed myself back to my room. 

I’m ready to be put back in bed and I need changed. I rang the call light and hour ago.  Aide said they will help after they take care of lunch trays. I’ll probably be sitting in urine for at least another hour. I’m sorry.,I can’t see that it takes almost all afternoon to clear lunch trays. I’m very uncomfortable now and feel like one miserable old fart. 

Damn, I forgot to call Michelle, the ombudsman this morning. I wasn’t too with it and s?ept for a couple hours..  Then I got lost in my book. I wanted to report about not getting care Saturday night My care today hasn’t been all that great. I haven’t been changed since they got me out of bed I should report that as well. However., it is too late. I’ll get her tomorrow first thing.  

2:54p.m.  Yippie! I got put in bed  and changed. I didn’t have to wait too long after ringing the call light second time. The aides were nice and did a good job on cleaning me up. I was getting a bit anxious and upset but I’m ok now. But this is the second time I’ve been changed since 4:30 this morning. I think I better call Michelle tomorrow

I talked with Chococolatechip after they put me to bed. She was coloring. This was good because she is finding things to do instead of smoking. Chococolatechip is on her second day of no smoking. I’m very proud of her. We talked briefly because she wanted to check out Dr Phil then watch a movie. 

Well, I just had a dammit to hell moment. The aides just changed me and I was high and dry laying comfortably in my bed. Then I had a minor accident I swear to God I hate being incontinent. I hate it with a passion. Here I am ,72 years old, I cannot control my bladder! It is degrading even when done in private. This is something I’ll never get used too or overcome my feelings of shame and humiliation. 

Oh well, I might as well go back to my book Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier. I’m going to breeze through this one then start on Stephen King’s Holly 

6:22,p.m. I had a meatball sandwich for supper and a cup of vanilla ice cream. I got little bit bloated but I’ll be ok. A nice dose of Mylanta will do the trick. I talked with I Chococolatechip after I ate She was in good spirits. We talked about her many doctor appointments. This is a the first week of September and already October is filling up. Also talked about this Sarah person who was evicted Apparently, she got in an argument with George. It’s a shame because Sarah was one of the nicer ladies. 

Then Chococolatechip read some of her poetry to me. I love her poems. She writes poetry and even had some of her material published locally. I think her stuff is just as good as some of the famous poets I read. This went on for about twenty minutes then she wanted to get ready for bed. 

The day is coming to an end. It was a pretty good day. I got fairly good care, at least in the afternoon. I was not in too much pain. I had two good meals lunch and supper. I got a lot of reading accomplished and I got Stephen King’s latest novel Holly. Best part of the day was talking with Chococolatechip and listening to her poems.

I’m going to stay up and read tonight. I’m on Chapter 6 in my book Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787. The authors were talking about Charles Picnkney.  Picnkney was a delegate to the Convention. I think he was from South Carolina. The authors are saying that Picnkney might of had a lot to say but his role is largely forgotten by historians. This is going to be an interesting read.

Note the correct spelling is Pinckney

9:03p.m. I read a total of six chapters today. I am on a reading streak of 27 days. I’m very proud of myself. This was a good day . Any day is good when I can get lost in books













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