Tuesday 9/26/23

8:40s.m.I finished reading The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub. It had a happy ending. But the authors kept me guessing . I enjoyed the book and give it a five star rating. Next up is Black House by the same authors. It is a sequel to The Talisman. I can’t wait to get started.

I read until ten o’clock. The battery on !y tablet was getting very low.i was getting sleepy so I turned i t off. That damned book gave me one  nightmare after another. I woke up when an aide came in to change me. I was so shook up over the book I couldn’t get back to sleep. I was wide awake when the aides got me out of bed for the day.

I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept until six. Chococolatechip called. She was in good spirits. We talked for about an hour on different subjects.She did most of the talking because I was half asleep. She said I sounded a bit down. I was down bec ause I didn’t have my coffee yet We talked until seven.  

At last they served drinks and breakfast .The coffee perked me up a bit but breakfast sucked. It consisted of toast and two barely warm eggs. I had to force myself to eat. But I goy it down and it didn’t do s number on my stomach.

Well. I’m above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home. I wonder what kind of day it will be. 

10:37a.m. I am in the Fiesta Room now. I sure could use a cup or of coffee.  I’ve been waiting since breakfast for a second cup. It will not be long now but it seems like a an eternity. 

I haven’t heard from Chococolatechip.  She had a telephone appointment with her nurse practitioner from CMP. She had to get ready for that.  Then she has her has an appointment with the Housing Authority at 12:30 for recertification. She is prettyk busy this morning. Then I slept away most of the morning.

But I’m getting awake thanks to a cup of coffee. Thank the Lord for coffee. There is something magical at work when I drink coffee.

2:51p.m. I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I had my share of caffeine plus two donuts. Lunch was great. They served roast turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, brussel sprouts, a dinner roll and a peach cobler.I ate it all and made my way back to my room. Best part was I didn’t get bloated or peed myself

I started to read my new book Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub It starts out in a very small Wisconsin town. So far the authors authors talk about a serial killer on the lose He is known as The Fisherman by the local newspaper. He is responsible for the abduction of three children and so far. I read the first chapter and I think it started out a bit slow. But I’m sure the story will get better.

I am faced with something of a mystery. Chococolatechip was telling me that I received a package from an old employer of forty years ago. I can’t imagine why they would contact me after all these years. I called them and left a message. Who knows maybe I might be qualified for a pension.

7:59p.m. I didn’t have much of a supper.They served a meatball sub. I ate the greasy meatballs but not the bread There meatballs leave a !of to be desired.  I got a little bloated but I’m ok now I called Chocolatschip after I ate. She wanted to go to bed early so we wished each other good night. 

I began reading my book Black House I’m currently on chapter two. The story is getting creepy. It is set in French Landing, Wisconsin. The town is what the authors say “slipping.” People aren’t acting strange. For one reason they are freaked by a killer known as The Fisherman. He has killed and dismembered three small children But there is more to it than a human monster on lose. Something very unusual is affecting the entire town. 

I didn’t think I was going to like this book. But I’m hooked now The authors feed you enough to get you hooked. You just cannot stop reading to find out what happens next. I am anxious to learn the identity of The Fisherman and if he will be caught. Also I’m anxious to find out what is going on in French Landing. This is turning out to be another good book. 

Oh I found out today that our favorite pizza place, Fox Pizza is closing for good. When I lived in Weirton I kept that place in business. Their subs were outstanding. My favorite was their meatball sub. Chococolatechip was telling me this and I felt very sad. 

Well I’m going back to my book































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