Tuesday 9/19/ 23

10:09a.m.  I survived another night in the nursing home. I was changed once last night. It waso around nine. The next time was when they woke me up at five. I had a good sleep though. But I was still very tired. I slept on my wheelchair until they served coffee and breakfast. Breakfast was good. I had two sausage paddles and pancakes. But it didn’t wake me up. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept for two or three hours. 

I’m above the dirt now. I got changed. They dressed me in a pair of pants and a shirt. . I’m in the Fiesta Room already. They are having morning exercise. I’m just waiting for them to serve coffee. I sure could use a cup.

I chatted with Chococolatechip for a little bit. I’m worried about her. She seemed so depressed. She said she was ok but she didn’t seem herself. The Bitch Clique had another party last night. Once again they were blasting their music. Then Eddie the Moocher knocked on her door as soon as she got to bed. Chococolatechip said she slept. But I don’t see how with all that noise. I hope she will be ok.

Anyways, I read one more chapter in my book The Talisman That made a total of five chapters yesterday. I’m really enjoying the story. I always say you cannot go wrong with Stephen King.

1:09p.m. I’m back from the Coffee Social. I loaded up on coffee and chocolate milk. Lunch was ok but I’m afraid it didn’t agree with me. I had sausage with peppers and onions, potatoes, sauerkraut and banana pudding. The sausage was very spicy. It made me bloated and queazy. But I had a good time. I read three chapters in The Talisman.

I chatted with Chococolatechip. She went over to the Urban Mission in Steubenville for some food. I’m glad to report she was doing better. Getting out of the building always helps. She said she wants to get out more by going to the library and Senior Center. She also said she might be on the onset of seasonal depression. I said my depression gets worse during fall and winter.. Her antidote is to stay away from the Bitch Clique and get out of the building 

I’m in bed now. The aides are on the ball today. I was put in bed, undressed and changed real quick. I can’t complain about my treat ent this afternoon. 

7:40p.m. I talked a lot with Chococolatechip this afternoon as she  watched Dr. Phil. Today’s show was about a pregnant woman using street drugs. Chococolatechip said the woman was on every kind of drug known to man. At the end of the show her baby was born addicted. I said that poor child doesn’t have a chance

She also talked about the Moochers, Tim and Eddie. Tim knocked on her door. He wanted to look something up on her tablet. She wouldn’t let him in because Tim is infested with bed bugs Eddie wanted a dollar so he could get a pop. I said you just stop answering your door. All they want is to mooch something from you She agreed. 

I also read a lot on my book The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub. I’m totally engaged with that story. I read a total of six chapters. Also, I’m on a reading streak of forty–one days. I’m proud of myself.

I had a pretty good day today. I received excellent care. I didn’t have too much pain. I had three good meals. For supper I ate two sloppy joes.  I had a big lunch so that was enough. I was thinking how lucky I am. I don’t have to worry about anything . All I have to do is sit on my lazy butt and read books. Life is very good

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