Tuesday 8/6/24

3:54p.m.  This has been a very depressing day. Chocolatechip is no better. I felt like crap. I slept most of the day. I feel very depressed myself Life just sucks sometimes.   

6:14p.m. I ate my supper. I had baked fish, mixed veggies, Lyonnaise potatoes and peaches. I feel somewhat better. Chocolatechip is also feeling better. She is finially making an effort to get to the bank Wednesday morning. She plans on taking the early bus. Then she will pay her rent. If she gets these two things done I think she will feel much better They have been preying on her mind. 

Now that Chocolatechip is better I’m feeling better. I’ve been reading  The New York Times. I saw where Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz for her running mate. He is a two term governor from Minnesota. He was in the National Guard for twenty some years. He also thought high school social studies in Mankato and was a football coach. He seems like a good man. But he does have a DUI in his background. This happened before he entered politics.

10:09p.m. I laid in urine until 9:30. The aides came to give me a shower. After they left I promptly peed myself. I can’t win.













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