Tuesday 8/27/24

11:00a.m. I’m above the dirt.. I didn’t have a good night. The care was not very good and I had nightmares. But I survived. Breakfast Was shitty. I didn’t eat it and the coffee was cold. But I survived. Then I laid in urine until ten. Aides finially got me dressed and in my wheelchair. But I survived . This nursing home sucks .  But I’m still above the dirt.    

3:41p.m. I have been trying to listen to my audiobook Vietnam A History by Stanley Karnow.  I’m on an interesting chapter. It is about the assination of Diem in November of 1963. He was the U.S. backed president of South Vietnam from 1955 to 1963. The coup could not of happened without American complicity. 

It is frustrating though because I’m not feeling well.  I keep coughing and hacking my fool head off. I have also been falling asleep asleep off an on during the narration. I am struggling to go about my normal routine. Reading is part of it. I cannot and will not give in to this cough or whatever the hell it is.   

5:44p.m. I’m waiting on my supper. I don’t have a menu so I don’t know what I’m having. I was also talking with Chocolatechip .Earlier she went to the hospital to test for COVID. She was negative. At least she  doesn’t have to worry about that. We talked a lot about different things going on in Misery Towers. Someone rang get buzzer wanting to get into the building.She went down to answer. It was some guy claiming to be delivering food. She didn’t let him in. Good I said. It was probably a scam.     

They finially served supper. Supper sucked. I think my appetite has gone down the tubes The food here does not seem to be as good . I had baked fish that was way too spicy. I couldn’t eat it or the paprika potatoes. I did manage to eat the ice cream for dessert. 

8:36p.m. I got a nice shower and shave . The aides were very nice. I think that was the high point of my day. I then started listening to my audiobook Vietnam: A History by Stanley Karnow. I’m about halfway through it . I hope to start on The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris this Monday. 



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