Tuesday 8/13/24

5:40a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had a shitty night. I slept ok . I fell asleep around 9:30. I was still drenched in urine. So lack of care made it shitty. But I slept well with no nightmares or weird dreams. I was up for good by 4:30. I’m already dressed and in my wheelchair. I wanted to get up  before breakfast. I can go to the coffee social.    

I called Chocolatechip. She is ok. But somebody knocked on her door at 10:30 last night. They were gone by the time she answered. I said that was harrasment. Nobody should be bothering you at that hour. She said it sounded like Eddie the Mooch. She also said she called the cops the other day. Somebody had backed into the fence around the parking lot. We just talked for a few minutes. 

I did a lot of reading last night. I started A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. I read the first nine chapters. It is another good book. But I was wrong about the setting. I think it is set in Freeman County Virginia. It takes place during the late 1960s. The story is about a white lawyer defending a black man for a murder he didn’t commit.   

10:37a.m. I’m having a great day so far. It began with scrambled eggs, toast and a banana for breakfast. I also had coffee and orange juic. I started reading the New York Times after I ate. I read four or five very interesting articles. One I found most interesting is a story about the Israeie -Hamas war. The authors of this article claim that Benjamin Netanyahu is hardening Israel line in the negotiations for peace. The authors suggested he is doing this because he needs the support of far right extremists in his government.

I also read articles about Ukraine’s for invasion of Russian territory. Then I read a story about the FBI investigating the hack of Trump’s campaign. Iran is the number one suspect. I thought this was fake news but I guess it is true. In any case the paper sure had some interesting stories. I love The New York Times! 

I also talked with Chocolatechip. She went to the bank and post office this morning. Then she bought some groceries at the downtown Dollar Tree. Chocolatechip was in good spirits. She has groceries and the bills are paid. She said she even has a little money left over.  I’m glad she is having a good day.

I’m also looking forward to two good meals. They are serving a turkey sandwich , pasta salad and Mandarin oranges. For dinner it is sweet and sour meatballs, Italian broccoli, pan fried potatoes, a dinner roll and  strawberry striped cake. Life is very good.

1:34p.m. I went to the Fiesta Room for lunch. It went ok. The only bad part was I had an incontinence episode while eating. I just kept right on eating. I stayed for an hour then made my way to my room. I called Chocolatechip. She was n cooking sausage links in the crock pot. I was glad she had something good to eat. We had a nice conversation for an hour.

2:21p.m. I had some very nice aides this afternoon. I was soaked but didn’t have long to wait. The aides got me in bed, cleaned me up and changed my briefs. After almost ten hours sitting on the hoyer pad it sure feels good to be in bed. This really has been a great day so far.

6:22p.m. I didn’t get what I requested for supper. I got pork, rice and a cucumber salad. I ate everything but the salad. It was still good but I had my heart set on sweet and sour meatballs. Oh well you can’t get everything you want in life. 

I was browsing on Amazon before supper. I think my next big purchase will be a new Kindle Paperwhite for  total of $167 something. It will take  me four months to save up. I should have enough money for it by December. I had my current Kindle for some time now. It’s working fine but a backup wouldn’t hurt.  

I was also talking to Chocolatechip. We were talking about the high cost of groceries. Food stamps is just not enough thanks to inflation. I mentioned an article in the NYT about this very subject. Inflation has become a hot topic for the candidates. Since cost of food rose during Biden’s watch the Dems get the blame. But the article said Biden had little control over it

Anyways, Chocolatechip was thinking of downgrading her cable package. I said I don’t think you will save that much money. Concast will get you one way or the other. Besides, you love your package I said. I would hate to see you give it up. We talked about it and she agreed. We had a nice talk about inflation and how hard it is to keep food on the table until they served my supper. Before going in said I’m lucky in that respect. I don’t have to worry about buying groceries or go out in this crazy world.   

 I was wondering today if I will ever  on my own again. Probably not. I have too many limitations. I am on oxygen because of COPD. I have congestive heart failure. I cannot control my bladder or bm. I was diagnosed with paranoia and schizoid affective disorder plus major depression. In other words I’m very fucked up and prognosis is not good. This nursing home is the last stop for me. 

This is kind of a depressing thought at the end of a good day. I will have to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand. The key is to think positive. Life is too short and I don’t have much time left to waist it on negativity. Besides I got to read all those books I bought. 

8:45p.m. I’m ok now. I read a couple chapters in A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. I thought I had problems . Jerome Washington is the Black man accused of murdering that  couple. There name was Leslie and Annie.Randolph. They lived in Madison Heights. This was a rich White mans neighborhood. The cops arrested Jerome because he was Black and found at the crime scene. He was their handyman.  

Enter John Robert Lee. Lee is an attorney. Through an acquaintance Jack Kearns about Jerome Washington. Jerome desperately needs a lawyer. Jack agreed to represent him. But Jack knows Jerome doesn’t have a chance in hell of walking away free. This is turning out to be another great story




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