Tuesday 7/30/24

2:25p.m. I am sill sick. After they got me in my wheelchair this morning I had a very bad coughing spell. It went on for a long time.  I thought I was going to choke to death. I fell asleep after it stopped. I slept in my wheelchair almost all morning. I woke up was hen they served lunch. I had two meatballs with cheese subs, fries and vanilla ice cream. It was delicious and the ice cream was a welcomed treat 

Chocolatechip’s caregiver was a no show.  The story was the caregiver had a family emergency in Florida. She will be gone for two weeks. Chocolatechip found out about this when when she called the agency. She was mad because she waited all morning. The agency should of called. But that is WV Choice for you. I said I suspected something like this would happen. 

Then George, director of the Housing Authority, is having a meeting with tenants at Misery Towers. The subject is petty crime going on in the building. Prostitutes are coming in after hours. Then you can smell pot in the hallways. Then shit is getting stolen. And people are so filthy the building is infected with roaches. Enough is enough he said in the letter. This meeting is at 1:00p.m. I said to Chocolatechip I’d like to hear about this meeting. 

I fell asleep after I ate lunch. The aides came around 2:30. They put me back in bed and changed my briefs. I’m going to try and read The New York Times. 

5:20 p.m. I slept a good bit today. Chocolatechip called and woke me up. She talked a little bit about the meeting. One of the tenants and George almost got into it over the prostitutes. The tenant said he can bring in anyone he wants. It is his apartment. Another tenant said she saw drug deals go down in the parking lot. Chocolatechip said they will definitely be installing cameras in the halls. I said I heard this one before.

I haven’t read the paper. I’m just too sick and tired. I saw a headline where Israel launched a missile strike against a Beirut suburb. They were targeting the Hezbollah commander. This was in retaliation against the attack on the Golan Heights. Also the governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper said he didn’t want to be picked for VP. I’ll have  to read these articles sometime today.

7:21p.m. I didn’t eat supper. I had a big lunch and wasn’t very hungry. I talked with Chocolatechip. She talked more about the meeting. George mentioned several people that are not allowed on the property. He also said a mistake was made when he let a few people move in. We said it takes a big man to admit his mistakes. I talked with her until 6:30. Then I read a few articles from the New York Times.    

9:01p.m. I had a nice shower and shave . The aide was very nice. I read the New York Times after my shower. The paper had five or six interesting stories. I read about the air strike on Beirut. I think the article said three people were killed. Israel was after leaders of Hezbollah. I also read where Kamala Harris was at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia. She challenged Trump to honor a planned debate with Biden. Then I read about the assination attempt on Trump. Acting director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe testified before the Senate. That whole thing was an embarrassment to the Service. It failed to protect Trump.

I feel a lot better after my shower. Best part was not having to wait until midnight. But I’m wide awake now. Think I’ll go find something else to read.


















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July 30, 2024

I’m sorry you are sick Bear. I hope you feel better real soon.

July 30, 2024

@wildrose_2 Thank you

July 31, 2024

Feel better, Bear! And if you can’t be that sick if you can enjoy a meatball hero sandwich!