Tuesday 7/23/24
11:46a.m. I have a very bad cold. I slept all day yesterday. I feel a bit better but I’m not out of the woods. I still feel like shit.
9:03p.m. I’m feeling a little better but still feel like shit. I’ve been laying in urine since supper. I’m hurting down below but I will not get changed. This s is shower night. I won’t get changed untill they give me a shower. I’d bet the farm it won’t be until 11:00p.m. What makes me mad is the aide said it will just be a few minutes. Sure. That was two hours ago.
10:27p.m. I still haven’t been changed. Pain from the sores on my thighs is getting worse . I don’t care how busy these CNAs are. This is neglect bordering on abuse!
Aww… poor guy. *hugs* How’s Chocolatechip?
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Take elderberry and echinacea
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