Tuesday 6/4/24

11:33a.m. I had another bad night. I had this one dream where I was taking an accounting test. I couldn’t answer any of the questions. I ended up flunking the course. I had dreams all night long that kept me waking up. I was awake fot good by seven. But I was dog tired.  

I had biscuits and gravy with a banana for breakfast. It was pretty good. The aide got me up after I ate. She took good care of me. I made it to them coffee social. It didn’t go very well. I swear I heard people talking about me. I was also in a lot of pain and I frozen tok death. I had one cup and quickly left.  

I fell asleep in my wheelchair chair . I slept in my chair the rest of the morning. I was still hurting from arthritis and very ,very tired. Chocolatechip called and woke me up. She had to go to the post office downtown. She sent out her Comcast bill she said.  Then she stopped at the M&B bor smokes. We talked a few minutes then her bus came.

It is time for lunch already. They are serving grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches, garlic tater tots and snickerdoodle cookies.

2:03p.m. Lunch was delicious skimpy. I had one sandwich and mashed potatoes. The coffee was ice cold so I didn’t drink it. I had physical therapy after I ate. I worked with a woman named Culeen . We did leg exercises for a half hour. I didn’t do very well. I could hardly move my left leg.

I talked with Chocolatechip when I got back. I complained about arthritis pain all over my body. I said this is not a good day. She talked about inspection. She talked with Ed , one of the maintenance crew. He told Chocolatechip she will pass with flying colors. She asked if I did any reading yet.i said I wasn’t up to it. I slept all morning and and was in too much pain the afternoon. We talked then she wanted to work out a budget.

I am not having a good day thanks to arthritis. I’m also soaked and need changed. Aide just said there are three people ahead of me. So I will have to sit in urine for awhile. Where is the justice? Why am I always last?

4:00p.m. I feel much better. I just had a nice hot shower. A hot shower works wonders for arthritis. I’m in bed now after sitting on the hoyer pad all day.  Now that I’m clean and dry I can concentrate on my book Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears.

6:19p.m. I had fish, mixed veggies, fried potatoes, a dinner roll and strawberry ambrosia for supper. It was ok. I ate most of it. I talked with Chocolatechip. She has one day until inspection. She is ready for it but will give it a good dusting. Chocolatechip said many in the building aren’t taking it seriously. They will be surprised when they fail. I said you sure took it seriously enough. You have been getting ready these past three weeks.

I miss Misery Towers. But one thing I’m glad is I don’t have to worry about inspection anymore. It got to a point where I couldn’t take care of myself or my apartment. In this respect I’m lucky. I don’t have to worry about inspection, paying bills, getting groceries or anything else. Like I keep saying all I have to do is sit on my butt and read books Life is good.







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June 4, 2024

Do you like the food there? It sounds good to me 😊 How’s your reading going?

June 4, 2024

@bespectacledredhead  Food is good for the most part

June 4, 2024

@bear70 Good one! 😀 As long as you are happy!

June 4, 2024

I’l have what you’re having. How were the snickerdoodles?