Tuesday 6/ 25/ 24

7:46a.m. I had a good night with no weird dreams.  I also had great care. I was t lying in filth half the night. The aides got me up early. I was dressed and in my wheelchair in time for breakfast. I had biscuits and gravy plus a banana. It was delicious. Only problem was they didn’t have coffee this morning.  I hope they have the coffee social today. 

I was talking with Chocolatechip. I said I had a wonderful visit with you. I enjoyed our card  game. Again I stressed no more nutty buddy bars. They make me sick. We talked for a few minutes. She said I probably don’t want to look at one again. She was right.  

9:57a.m. Culleen came to take me to physical therapy. I had a good workout with Lynn and Culleen. It seems the exercises are getting longer and longer. That is a good thing. Also while I was there everyone said they were glad to meet Chocolatechip and she is a very nice lady. I said she is a wonderful woman and I lucky to have her in my life. 

Culleen took me to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. They had the coffee machine fixed by then. I had a cup of hot coffee. That and the workout perked me up. I made my way back to my room and called Chocolatechip. But she was very busy so we didn’t talk very long.

I have today’s menu. I’m having a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich, garlic tater tots and snickerdoodle cookies for lunch. Then I’m having Ritz butter baked fish, California blended vegetables, Paprika potatoes. a dinner roll and strawberry ambrosia for supper. The meals look pretty promising today.

I have physical therapy out of the way. Now I can concentrate on You Like it Darker. I left off on a good story last night. It’s about a 36 year old high school custodian who has a recurring nightmare. The nightmare terrified him. It is even more scarry when it becomes real I can’t wait to get started.

1:04p.m. I’ve been reading the short story “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” It is very scarry and very good. I read until they served lunch. Lunch was delicious . I ate it all without getting too bloated. I called Chocolatechip. She was watching a movie called Nanny Cam.  We talked for a a few minutes. Well, it’s back to my story.

2:19p.m. The aides put me in bed about a half hour ago. I’m trying to read ad my story. I’m having trouble concentrating. I’m worried about Chocolatechip. The last time I talked with her she was so down and very irritable. She has been like this for the last few days. It makes me depressed to see her sad. I also feel very helpless. I wish I could help her but there is nothing I can do.

4:00p.m. My mood and has taken a downward spiral. I’ve been laying in bed just vegetating. I can’t get into my story for some reason. It is getting good. I just can’t concentrate for some reason. I feel like shit is why can’t concentrate. Damn I hate when I get like this.

6:20p.m. I didn’t eat supper. I wasn’t feeling very well. I felt very bloated. It was very painfull. I’d rate the pain a 5. Also I’ve been peeing a river. But I feel better mentally though. I had a very long talk with Chocolatechip. We were both depressed but our talked did us a world of good. I do not know what I’d do without her.

I was going to give up on that book You Like it Darker by Stephen King. But I feel better. I think I’ll finish it. Besides, I would like to find out what happens to Danny Coughlin in “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” Right now it doesn’t look good for him. The police are at his trailer. He was questioned by two detectives at his school. I think he is about to be charged for a murder he didn’t commit. His bad dream is truly turning into a nightmare.

8;09p.m. I’ve been reading my story for an hour. The depression has lifted thanks to reading therapy. I’m hooked on “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” Right now the two detectives from KBI have grilled Danny about the murder of Yvonne Wicker. He lawyered up and they read him his Miranda rights. But Danny did not kill that girl. I don’t want to reveal the rest of the story. It is a good one so far.

I’m having a good evening. Except I’ve been laying in my own urine for over an hour. Girl said give me a minute at 7:00. That sucks but at least I have my books.
































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