Tuesday 5/7/24

7:37a.m. I’m dressed and in my wheelchair already. I was awake by 6:00. The aide des came in . I got a nice shower and a shave. Then they got me dressed and into my wheelchair.  Breakfast was served. I had a French toast casserole. It was pretty good.  

I’m a happy camper this morning. I like getting up and eating breaking fast in my wheelchair. I must of been a farmer in a past lives. I used to get up very early and read when I had my apartment. I’d fix a cup of coffee then get out my Kindle and have a blast. I will always miss those days. 

Tomorrow is an anniversary. Come May 8 I will be living in this nursing home four years. It doesn’t seem that long. I’ll never forget the day I left Misery Towers I know I need to be here but I still can’t get used to living in this nursing home. It is a total shit show at times. I miss Misery Towers. 

Well I’m up and dressed . I’m happy  because I can go to the Coffee Social. That’s the only activity I enjoy. It gets me out of my room and I enjoy the coffee.

10:26a.m.  I made it to the coffee social. I pushed myself down. I had one cup of coffee. The extra cup was a big boost to my mood. I had a good time staying there for over an hour. I pushed myself back to my room. I called Chocolatechip but no answer. She is no doubt at the eye doctor.

I am wide awake thanks to coffee. Now I’m going to finish Chancellorsville. I have one more chapter. I’m very eager to start Gettysburg by the same author, Stephen W Sears.

1:23p.m. I had chicken tacos, rice and red beans for lunch. It was good. I ate in the Fiesta Room. I just had to get out of my room. I finished Chancellsorville after I ate. This book was so good I gave it a five star rating. This book is the 16th book I read so far. My goal this year is 30 books. I’m going to start Gettysburg by Stephen W Sears this afternoon. Life is good.

3:48p.m. Chocolatechip isn’t talking with me I left a few messages but she hasn’t returned my calls. I got lonesome and depressed. Instead of sulking in my room I picked up my speaker and tablet then went to the Coral Room. I listened to my favorites for about an hour. I started feeling better so I went back to my room and called Chocolatechip.

This time I got in touch with her. She had been outside. Some asshole an ignorant remark to her. She really got pissed off at Eddie the Mooch. Then a couple other so called men made another disrespectful remark. I wish I could beat the shit out of all of them. Anyways we talked about it for awhile. I said that’s how guys talk about women and what do you expect from the assholes in Misery Towers. But it is a shame that a woman can’t go outside without getting insulted.

Our talk was cut short by an aide. She came in with the hoyer. She put me to bed, undressed me and changed my briefs. I wanted to get back up but didn’t have any clean pants.

I haven’t started reading Gettysburg by Stephen W Sears yet. I got to get moving in thay department. But I’m worried about Chocolatechip getting upset. I’m going to try and call her in a few minutes.

6:31p.m. Supper was lousy. They served herb encrusted pork, mashed potatoes with gravy, peas,a dinner roll and chocolate ice cream. The meat was dry and the potatoes were cold. Ice cream was the only thing good. Even the coffee was cold. I ate everything but didn’t drink the coffee. ,

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked about the incident today. We both agree that people in Misery Towers are low life assholes. For example, someone was bitching about having to pay $25 s month for a/c during the summer months. That is still a good deal because all utilities are included. Imagine how much it would cost for a/c on the outside I said to Chocolatechip. I don’t call that place Misery Towers for nothing because people just like to complain.  We talked for half an hour then she wanted to go to bed.

I started reading Gettysburg by Stephen W Sears. I read the introduction. The author was saying that despite the Confederate victory at Chancellorsville the war was going badly. In the western theater Ulysses s Grant was poised to capture Vicksburg on the Mississippi river cutting the Confederate states in two. To relieve pressure on that sector Lee thought an invasion of the north was essential. He thought a victory in the northern states would definitely turn the tide. This is going to be anther interesting book.

I hope to stay up late and finish the first two chapters. I used to love to read about the Civil War. I have several books on my Kindle on this subject. I have three more books by Stephen W Sears plus a famous three volume narrative on the Civil War by the late great Shelby Foote. Then s book entitled Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. This one won a Pulitzer. I’m going to read them all.

8:36p.m. I’m having a good time tonight thanks to my book. I just finished the first chapter of Gettysburg . On May 15, 1863 Robert E Lee arrived at Richmond for council of war with President Davis and his Secretary of the War James Seddon. The purpose was to discuss grand strategy. As I said before the Confederacy was about to lose Vicksburg, its last remaining stronghold on the Mississippi river. The meeting was to discuss the best way to alleviate this desperate situation.

In this chapter Stephen W Sears discussed various options. One was to send reinforcements from the Army of Northern Virginia to Vicksburg. Lee was against weekending his army. The author discussed in detail Lees reasoning for an invasion of Pennsylvania One was a southern victory on northern soil would demoralize the enemy. They will seek peace. This was the major reason. Anyways I thought this to be a very interesting chapter.

I hope to read the second chapter. It is 9 and my bedtime. But I’m fortified with plenty of coffee. I’m wide awake. So I might as well read my book





































































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