Tuesday 5/28/24

9:42a.m. Once again I had nightmares.  I had this one dream where I was working in a grocery store. I was packing groceries I had een working a long time that  day. It was time to quit but nobody came to take my place. I was yelling at my boss I wanted to go home. Then I got behind and shoppers were backing up. Nobody would help and I walked out. I got fired from that job. 

I was up for good by six. They served a skimpy breakfast of a sweet roll and scrambled eggs. At least the coffee was nice and hot I watched CNN after I ate. Texas and Oklahoma were hit by bad tornadoes. The whole country is experiencing severe weather. 

Then the aides came in to get me dressed. I had a  good aide this morning. She rubbed lotion all over my back and butt. Then she changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair. I was dressed in time for the coffee social so I made my way to the Fiesta Room.  

11:16a.m. I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip. We talked for the longest time. She said she is ready for inspection. Chocolatechip said she felt overwhelmed at first. But she knuckled down and cleaned the entire apartment. Chocolatechip was cooking chicken legs in the crockpot this morning. I said you can’t beat crock pot cooking. I talked about how I used to cook pork chops in the crock pot. They always turned out delicious she said. We had a nice talk for an hour then I remembered I had to plug in my tablet. 

I have today’s menu. I’m having something good for lunch. They are serving meatball subs, French fries and vanilla ice cream. For dinner I’m having roast turkey, mashed potatoes, brussel and a peach cobbler. I think I’ll head on down to the Fiesta Room for lunch. 

1:03p.m. I had two meatball subs. They were not as good as Fox’s. I quickly made my way back to my room. I called  Chocolatechip. She was in good spirits. Her daughter Anne is coming tomorrow with a belated Mother’s Day gift. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to check dinner.   

I intend to read my book To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I’ll start reading Chapter 10 “The Flight.” I think it is about the retreat of the Union Army after their defeat at Gaines’s Mill.

4:22p.m. I’m in bed now. I had nice aides who put me in bed around 2:30. I talked to Chocolatechip until it was time for Dr. Phil. Then I indulged in music therapy for an hour. I listened to all my favorite country artists on YouTube. I thank God I have a Bluetooth speaker so I can hear my music. I feeling pretty good right now. There is nothing like music to lift your spirits unless it is a good book.  

I haven’t forgotten my book To The Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I tried reading it after lunch. My roommate began screaming in pain.Then there was a lot of people coming and going. I couldn’t concentrate because of the yelling and interruptions. So I listened to country music. I listen to music during the day and read at night . It’s a pretty good routine.      

6:20p.m. Supper was shitty. The mashed potatoes were runny and had no taste. I had a few bits of turkey. The brussel sprouts were cold. I shouldn’t complain but it’s the truth, supper sucked. The only thing good was the peach cobbler. Still, I ate everything and didn’t get sick. 

I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. Her supper wasn’t that great either. She went into a lot of work in preparing that meal. She didn’t like it at all. Chocolatechip said she plans on pitching the rest of the chicken tomorrow. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to go to bed. She was tired after being up since 5:00a.m. 

I read the first few pages of Chapter 10. Stephen W Sears says that Gaines’s Mill was the largest and costliest battles of the Seven Days and the entire Peninsula campaign. Both sides engaged 96,100 men. Union forces suffered a total of 6,837 casualties. These included 894 killed, 3,114 wounded and 2,829 captured. Since the Confederates did the attacking their losses were higher. Lee suffered 1,483 killed, 6,402 wounded and 108 missing foir a total of 7,993. Both armies lost a total of 15,223 men in less than nine hours of fighting. Gaines’s Mill was one of the most costliest battles in the early phase of that war writes Sears. It was a major defeat for General McClellan. 

I only read the first few pages before supper. I sort of got side tracked and couldn’t concentrate. I still hope to finish this chapter tonight. I’ll probably be up until 11:00 reading.    

9:28p.m. I read a little bit then fell asleep. I was awakened by an aide who changed my briefs. I promptly peed myself after she left. I get so mad at myself when this happens. I hate  incontinent problems. Then Chocolatechip called. We talked for a few minutes then she went back to bed. 

I was all set to read about another battle in the Seven Days. This was Savage Station I want to get back to my  book.


















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May 28, 2024

Bear, I came back for you. Wow! Awesome menu today! I am sorry that you are still having shitty sleep. 🙁